
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Part #5: Overwhelmed with Thankfulness

“Only a rookie who knows nothing about science would say science takes away from faith. If you really study science, it will bring you closer to God” (James Tour, Nanoscientist). The more a person studies the existence of life on earth and possibility (or impossibility) of life on other planets, the more one realizes how fragile life is.
The Anthropic Principle states that the universe was perfectly created to sustain life. If the percentage of oxygen on earth was slightly higher fires would spontaneously erupt; slightly lower, we’d suffocate. If the gravitational force were changed by 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% (37 zeros) the sun would not exist, and neither would we. If the earth’s tilt was slightly different or if the distance to the sun was altered, life would not be possible.
 Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross cited 122 characteristics about our universe that are finely-tuned to allow life to exist; if any one of these were altered ever so slightly, life would not exist. The odds of this happening on any one planet are one in 10138 that’s one chance in one with 138 zeros following it (Hugh Ross, Why I Believe in Divine Creation, p. 138-141).
Based on these few statistics, the probability of life randomly occurring, or this universe spontaneously forming in such a precise manner is impossible! Our universe has a highly complex design! The Anthropic Principle points to the existence of God, the Master Designer.
Clearly it takes more faith to believe in atheism, the Big Bang theory and evolution than it does to believe in the existence of a Designer who carefully laid out the universe so life could exist!
Why did God want to create life in the first place? Let me ask you this, why do you want to have children? I know that for my wife and me, it’s because we want to love them. God is the same way. He has so much love He wants to share it. So He chose to create this world, life, and us humans who are made in His likeness. In fact, you could say that we are His masterpiece (Eph. 2:10).
What’s more, God did not hide, but, He made Himself evident to us not only through His Word, but also through Creation (Rom. 1:20). He wanted His love for us evident to all (Psalm 103:11), which is why He sent His Son to the Cross (John 3:16-17).
Therefore, our only natural response should be to give thanks to the LORD for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds (Psalm 107:15; Rom. 1:21). I hope He is one of the blessings you name as you gather together this Thanksgiving.
In His service,


How to Understand the Bible 101: Lesson 5a: The Three Great Ages—Worship Who?

It doesn’t matter who you are, every person worships someone or something. Some people worship the creation, others worship their money, possessions, careers, recreations, or even their families. Others worship false gods, while some worship the One True God. We may not bow down before who or what we worship but every person does worship. Worship is showing reverence, adoration and devotion for (Oxford English Dictionary). This definition can apply to both deity or to anyone or anything else.
So who or what are we supposed to worship? The answer to this question really doesn’t matter IF God has not revealed Himself to us. However, He has! There are several arguments which prove His existence.
First, the cosmological argument says if there is a building then there must be a builder, a watch then a watch maker, and if there is a creation then there must be a Creator. Second, the teleological argument: No sane person would believe that Mount Rushmore just naturally formed by water eroding it over billions of years since it reveals clear evidence of design. Throughout our world we find incredible evidence of design—things which could not have happened by random chance over billions of years. 
Third, the moral argument: if we were here by random chance then survival of the fittest ,murder and rape would be deemed perfectly acceptable and normal. However, people all over the world know intuitively that certain things are wrong. God has wired our minds to know these things. There are several other proofs of God’s existence which have been discussed in the Matt’s Matters section. Therefore, since God does exist, how do we know which God is the True God?
By examining the various world religions we learn that only 3 world religions claim to be inspired by God in their sacred writings: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All other religions only claim to be human solutions to the problems mankind faces, or they are devotional poems and songs and stories, but do not factually claim God has revealed Himself. If that seems narrow-minded take it up with the founders of the various world religions, but don’t assume that they say more than they actually do. 
Islam can be quickly ruled out as historically inaccurate. The Koran states that Jesus was taken up into heaven without dying on the cross (Surah 4:157-158).  The Koran was written about A.D. 632, that is 600 years after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.  However, there are 39 ancient sources, dating back to the 1st Century, including Christians and non-Christians which document these events as factual (Gary Habermas: The Verdict of History, 1988). This brings it down to just Judaism and Christianity. 
The Old Testament lists 313 specific prophecies concerning the Christ; history supports Jesus’ fulfillment of these and His resurrection (see Now to briefly discuss the topic at hand,  how has worship changed from during the Three Great Ages?
The clarity of the picture of who we are to worship has changed. Yes, throughout the Bible we can see all 3 persons of the Trinity (Gen. 1:26; Matt. 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:2). Yet, the understanding of who the One True God is and what He is like grows as one goes from the Patriarchal Age to the Mosaic Age to the Church Age, and then when we see Him in glory we will have an even greater understanding of Him.
Adam and Eve and others living in the Patriarchal Age knew little about Jesus. It is highly probable that it was Jesus walking in the Garden (Gen. 3:8), and they knew that He would one day destroy the serpent (Gen. 3:15).  Likewise they knew little about the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2; 41:38).
This same principle can be shown in the Mosaic Age. Yes, the amount of Scripture in this age grew significantly!  However, many struggled to fully grasp it until after Jesus explained it to them (Luke 24:27).
Therefore, throughout the Three Great Ages, the object of our worship is to be upon the One True God who continues to reveal Himself  to us more and more each day. Thus, may we Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Because of God’s love,


Elder's Corner: Are We There Yet?

  Dad, are we there yet?  How about now? Now?  How long till we get there? Those of us with children hear those words often.  It seems that we are always in a rush to get where we are going. Sometimes when we rush, rush, rush, (you get the idea) we forget to stop and smell the roses or the skunks as was the case for me tonight.J My question for you today is this, Are you there yet. Well, it seems to me that to answer that question you would first need to decide where there is. The correct answer is Heaven. 

Let’s consider a thing or two. If you think you are a good person, or you are one of those perfect people, or maybe you realize that your actions are not what they should be. The book of Romans reminds us that there is no one righteous (Rom. 3:10). All have sinned and fall short (Rom. 3:23). There is not a person on this Earth who does not need Jesus.  He is the only way to heaven (John 14:6). 

When we look at the question, are we there yet, the answer is no we are not. I think a better question would be, am I closer to being what I should be when I get there. Another way of saying it, am I a more like Christ than I was when I started? I hope we can all answer “Yes.” The point is to keep on moving toward what the Bible tells us we should be. Hope to see you Sunday.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Elder's Corner: Defining Moments

A few weeks ago I had one of those defining moments in life. As it was occurring I didn't think I'd be here to write this article this month.  Judy and I were traveling back from a church camping trip at Roaring River State Park. (This is my chance to encourage you to participate in some of these activities to get to fellowship with each other and become better acquainted with the body of believers—the church!) The front left tire on our truck blew out as we were pulling the fifth wheel camper home. It immediately pulled me into the passing lane and then to the shoulder. I told Judy to hang on we were going to crash. As I tried to slow down and get the truck under control I noticed a concrete pier in our path. God again showed His tender mercies and kept other traffic away from us and kept us away from the pier and finally to the side of the road.
After the incident, I asked myself the question that we all ask at some time or another. Have I accomplished what I wanted to in life or have my priorities been interrupted? We have been studying the book of James in Sunday School class—a very practical look at Christian living. I'm looking forward to our revival as the messages preached will come from this book! Listen to what James says in chapter 4 verses 13 through 16: “Look here, you people who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.’
How do you know what will happen tomorrow? For your life is like the morning fog—it's here a little while, then it's gone. What you ought to say is, ‘If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.’ Otherwise you will be boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil.” So... are you accomplishing what God wants you to with your life?  Or have you been too busy living?

Elder's Corner: Our Weakness

Frequently, we feel perfectly self-sufficient, to the point that we feel that our God awards us with every good thing we do. Our material things, skills and abilities, make us feel so good that we ignore our physical, mental and spiritual limitations and weaknesses. Then suddenly, when something happens to us, we have the strange idea that we made a mistake. We think that we should have perfect minds and bodies, and never feeling sick, or have an illness like cancer. Problems like organ malfunctions are out the picture for us.
Something similar was in Paul’s mind when he referred to his tormented body (2 Cor. 12:9). He mentioned having asked the Lord not once, but three times, to heal him. Somehow, we as Christians believe that we should not have to suffer the same as non-Christians do. Therefore, sometimes when we become sick, we relate it to sin. The Jews falsely believed this concerning a blind man before Jesus healed him and corrected their thinking (John 9:2-3).
Sometimes we as Christians may not fully understand the reason for suffering. However, Jesus has suffered as well and can relate to what we are going through, "We have a High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses, for He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin" (Heb. 4:15). He wants to help us through our tough times and He promises that there will be a day when our pains are erased. 

Elder's Corner: Cracked Rocks & Strong Families

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, you get the idea.  No, it's not a flat tire and it is not me out just out of whack.  I just finished 7 1/2 hours of breaking rock out of the back wall behind the church with a jack hammer. 
You would think running machinery, breaking rocks up and digging holes would be every man’s dream, but the fun only lasted about 2 minutes.  The suspense of pulling up to this giant boulder with the power of a 750 pound jack hammer at your finger tips; that you just know that you can destroy.  You place the hammer bit against the giant rock expecting to pull the trigger and the rock to just shatter, but instead it just sits there glaring at you not even moving.  The boulder is taunting you.  So you move your chisel over and look for a crack.  You learn to look for the natural cracks in the rock and split them apart there.  You also learn to break off the little unsupported pieces. 
Our family is just like that rock.  As long as it we have the support of all those around us, the world cannot break us down. But when we allow members of our family to be unsupported, the jack hammers of life can simply break that family apart.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 says we are to encourage each other and build one another up.  Who can you build up this week?


Elder's Corner: Why is Church Attendance Important?

I just finished cutting my hay.  It was unusually thick and tall this year.  All except for one little patch which I forgot to fertilize.  As I noticed the difference between the quality of the hay in the field that had been fertilized and that which had not been fertilized, I drew an analogy.  The question that came to my mind is: Why is church attendance important?  It is important so we can be healthier, stronger, maybe even thicker (especially if we keep going to Steve's for fellowship dinnersJ) Christians.  Matt has been doing a great job providing nutrients to help us to grow in his sermon series.  It is also important for us to come together to encourage one another (Heb. 10:24-25).  Most of us have faced the challenges and difficulties of life at one time or another which you may now be encountering.  We can support each other in these struggles (financial, family, loss of loved ones, illness, job loss, etc.) 
In Luke 13:6 Jesus tells a story about a farmer who planted a fig tree and came looking for fruit on it for three years without finding any.  He told his groundskeeper to cut it down because it was wasting space.   But the compassionate groundskeeper said "I'll dig around it and put in fertilizer—then if it doesn't bear fruit next year I'll cut it down."  This tree apparently put on leaves and looked to be healthy every year—it just wasn't productive.  I think this story points out God's compassion in giving us another chance to be as productive (serving, bearing fruit) as we can.  It also warns of a day when "if we continue to be useless" we will not get another chance.  So, See you Sunday?             


Elder's Corner: Day to Day Living

I want to thank Beth and Matt for the opportunity to contribute to this effort to share our thoughts and meditations in this newsletter so that other Christians can read it and one day they can do the same. Before I begin, I would like to let you know that sometimes it is not easy to make myself understood, even though we believe the same as a Christians, read the same Bible, and share in the same Spirit and faith.
 I'm going to try to be simple and write about the things which we may not even think of as very important. For example, Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:30-33 refers to the very mundane activities like eating. "If I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for?  So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved."
There are several activities that we do in our daily lives which we don't think of as influencing others.  Many of us are parents, employees or maybe even bosses who make decisions.  We may not think that these decisions have any repercussions upon our Christian faith or witness. But Paul refers to some things like eating and drinking, things we do in our daily life, that reflect our faith. Even though Paul doesn't mention it here, we can add how we talk, how we dress, and how we behave. It makes me think about one of the "children songs" that we sang last Sunday that said to be careful about our ears, mouth, feet, eyes and hands.
The message that Paul cautions is don't make others stumble by our own careless attitude. This is the same as the message of the little kids’ song to be careful. This message is found again in 1 Peter 4:11, telling us that the actions of our behaviors should have the aim to give the honor to God and Savior: "whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Elder's Corner: Get in the Bucket!

A few days ago I got Matt to help me operate the boom truck to replace some gutter ice guards at church.  I wanted to give Matt the opportunity to go up in the bucket to remove the old ones.  I didn't tell him that I had fabricated and welded the bucket myself.  I thought if he goes up it will prove he trusts my welds.  I got in the bucket first and let him lift me up to prove he didn't have anything to worry about.  Faith is like that. 
Do you trust Jesus enough to believe what He says?  He came to the earth and faced the same challenges (and more) that you and I face.  He “got in the bucket” (For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps. 1 Peter 2:21) to prove you can trust what He says.  Anyone can say I trust Jesus, but I challenge you to prove it—Get in the Bucket!  Be obedient to Him!  Let Him have control of your life.  Turn over your struggles,   your finances, your marriage, your illnesses, your family problems to Him.  Trust Him when He says “Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest”.   Matthew 11:28  He also made this amazing statement “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.”  John 11:25

Elder’s Corner: My Number One Priority

The Lord is triumphant over all! THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER gods before Me (Exodus 20:3). This always seemed a simple command to me. Monday April 15th our house caught on fire. Thankfully no one was hurt and the structure is fine. Last week I spent two or three days going through my possessions photographing various melted clumps and inventorying them for the insurance company. Many of these things were nothing more than little hunks of metal that fly through the air, but because of the times these things are not replaceable. I found myself going through the ashes saying to myself it is only stuff, and slowly getting more and more frustrated by the loss of this ”stuff.”
My friends, I do not bow down to these possessions, I do not worship these things, or sing praises, or pray to them, but I spent more time thinking about them than I did my Savior. This is not correct and I find myself being ashamed of my obvious failure in observing this simple command that I thought I had no issues with. Be careful! I realized my possessions were far more important to me than what they should be.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Part #4: Random Chance or Thoughtful Design

Mount Rushmore is one of the most intriguing sculptures in the world. It is a monumental feet of majestic beauty. This sculpture honoring 4 of our country’s distinguished presidents consists of an enormous 60 feet in height. It took 400 workers 14 years to carefully craft into the side of that mountain their designer’s art work. 
Now, what if Mount Rushmore’s history was not recorded, and someone looked at it and told you that those 4 presidents’ faces were created by natural water erosion over billions of years? Would any sane person believe them? Absolutely not! Why? Simply because Mount Rushmore shows clear evidence of design. The same could be said of the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty, airplanes, automobiles, computers, and numerous other things.
However, what about our universe? Does our world show evidence of design? ABSOLUTELY! Take the basic building block for life, DNA. Consider what a highly unlikely source admits about DNA: “The message [contained within the DNA] found in just the cell nucleus of a tiny amoeba [the simplest form of life] is more than 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica combined, and the entire amoeba has as much information in its DNA as [do] 1,000 complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica!” (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker: 1987, p. 17-18, 116). Atheist, Richard Dawkins, by the way, is “one of the most respected scientists in the world and the biggest draw in secularism” (according to the website).
Thus, even atheists recognize the thoughtfulness of design found in our universe. The late Isaac Asimov, one of the most prolific authors and professors of biochemistry said, “In man is a 3 pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe” (Smithsonian: June 1970, p. 10). And Dr. Richard Dawkins said, “We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance” (The Blind Watchmaker: 1987, p. 43).  
So why would people, even those who are incredibly intelligent, as these men are, reject the obvious conclusion of intelligent design? Romans 1:25 gives us the answer: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
All who reject the evidence which is so blatantly clear desire to live in their own sinfulness rather than concede to the truth. Sadly, these individuals are missing the thoughtfulness of our Designer. God loves them, as He does all people, and thoughtfully created the universe by design (Psalm 104:24). Likewise, you are not here by accident, but by careful and thoughtful design. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the very image of God (Gen. 1:26; Psalm 139:14).  
In His service,


I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Part #3: How Could a Good God Exist Since There is Evil in the World?

This is one of the most haunting questions we face. Why is there evil in the world if God exists? Why isn't He doing something about it? Some explain it like this, “If God is willing to prevent evil and injustice in the world, but is unable; then He must not be powerful enough to deal with it. If He is powerful enough to stop it, then He Himself must be not be willing. Since He is neither unable nor willing to do anything about it; then why call Him God?”  It is because of this reason that some question God’s existence.
When answering this dilemma it must be noted that the Bible does affirm the existence of evil (Psa. 40:12; Jer. 15:18). In fact even God’s own Son, Jesus was known as “a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” (Isa. 53:3).
Believe it or not, the existence of evil actually proves that God exists. It doesn't matter where you go in this world, unless someone is insane, they will all agree that child molestation is wrong, even if they have done it. All will agree that murder is wrong, even if they have done it. And all agree that rape is wrong, even if they have done it. This inward acknowledgement of evil would not be present if mankind was just the byproduct of evolution through natural selection and survival of the fittest. If that was the case then Hitler was justified in what he did. However, anyone who is sane will recognize that that is just not the case. This recognition of evil is known as the Moral Argument and is proof of God’s existence in every culture.
So why does God allow evil to exist? It is because of mankind’s own freewill choice. God created the universe to be very good (Gen. 1:31). And God warned Adam and Eve what would happen if they chose to sin, yet they did it anyways (Gen. 2:17). When they sinned, corruption, disease, evil of all kinds and death came into the world. Therefore, we all suffer because of someone else’s choice. And this same principle can be seen today when a person decides to drink and drive and they take innocent lives. Furthermore, there are numerous other ways which our world suffers as a result of someone’s freewill choice.
Thankfully though, our good God has done something about the evil which is experienced in this world. He sent His Son to die for us that whoever receives Him, as Scripture teaches, will have eternal life. And Jesus promises that when He returns all the things which caused us grief in this life will be no more. God will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away (Rev. 21:1-7). It is my prayer that all of us look at the evil which exists in our world today and look forward to that day when all things will be made new (Rev. 21:5).

In His service,

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Part #2: Flawed Documents or God’s Word

When most atheists look at the Bible they think that they are looking at a book which is filled with errors. At the outset it is easy to understand how one might come to the conclusion that it is just a compilation of flawed documents. I mean come on; the original New Testament (NT) writings did not survive the past 2,000 years. The NT (originally written in Greek) was just hand copied over and over again down through the centuries. Have you ever played the game telephone? If you have, you know that what the message started out as was not what it ended up as. Thus, how could NT today be even close to what it was some 2,000 years ago? This resulted in over 5,400 early copies of the Greek NT manuscripts which we have today. Let’s examine the evidence of those 5,400 copies. 
The results from comparing these 5,400 copies reveal that they are “98% identical!”i The majority of these differences have no significance: like spelling mistakes, slight word order differences or the like. That brings the accuracy to an astounding 99.5%! No other writing from history has that many manuscripts (the closest is Homer's Iliad with 643 manuscripts) with that high of accuracy. Furthermore, contained within these minute differences, one finds not a single theological change in the NT. “Simply put, if we reject the authenticity of the New Testament on textual grounds we'd have to reject every ancient work of antiquity and declare null and void every piece of historical information from written sources prior to the beginning of the second millennium A.D.” ii
So what difference does all of this make? It means that the Bible is trustworthy. It is God’s Word period! It is a book which is not based on fairy tales but rather historical facts. It is a Declaration of Independence. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1).
Christ has freed us from the punishment which sin requires (Rom. 6:23). We are free of guilt and shame (Rom. 8:1). We are free to come to the Father with our requests (Heb. 4:16). We are God’s children and coheirs with Christ (Gal. 4:6; Rom. 8:15). We are free to love others (Gal. 5:13). It is on account of our freedom in Christ that our lives produce the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). And Christ has freed us as Christians to be able to truly live (John 10:10).
We are free to think. Atheism is a blind faith. It is believing something which has no rational or historical evidence supporting it. While on the other hand, the historical evidence supporting the NT is rock solid. Therefore, this month as we celebrate the freedoms which we have in this country, we as Christians can also celebrate the freedoms which we have in Christ. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
In His service,


i Daniel Wallace, "The Majority Text and the Original Text: Are They Identical?" Bibliotheca Sacra, April-June, 1991, 157-8.
       ii Stand to Reason, “Is the New Testament Text Reliable?” by Greg Koukl; available from; Internet; accessed 3 June 2013. 

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Part #1: Who’s Your Daddy?

Throughout our society there is a commonly held belief that mankind evolved from apes and that apes came from something else and so on all the way back to a single cell organism and then to nonliving chemicals. However, science itself proves that that is impossible! The scientific law of bio-genesis states that without exception life always comes from life! Furthermore, scientific observation proves that all living organisms reproduce other organisms after their own kind. Hum, that is exactly what the Bible teaches.  
Just consider the evidence for yourself. Have you ever seen in real life a cat with a snail’s shell or an elephant with wings? How about finding apples growing on corn stalks or carrots hanging from trees? Or what about giraffes swinging from trees with monkeys’ tails? Or turtles with antlers? Of course you haven’t seen these things, no one has. That is simply because life is about who your daddy (and mommy) is.  
In spite of what the scientific law of bio-genesis proves, atheists refuse to believe it. That is called blind faith. It means believing something which has no evidence supporting it. It is this quantity of faith which is far beyond the level of faith required to believe what the Bible teaches. And as we will see over the next several months, creation and science point to the rationality of the Bible and confirms its teaching. Thus, the basis of Biblical faith just makes sense! 
Therefore, this month as we celebrate Father’s Day we honor our human daddy because of the life which has been passed on to us. We honor him for the instructions, love, corrects, provisions, companionship and the millions of other things he has passed on to us.
I recognize that for many of us Father’s Day may be a very difficult time because our earthly father wasn't the man whom we needed him to be. Thankfully though, there is a Father whom every one of us can rely upon (2 Cor. 6:18). God the Father is our Creator; He is ultimately responsible for giving us life (1 Cor. 8:6).  He loves us (Psalm 103:13). He provides for our needs (Acts 17:24-28; Phil. 4:19). He gives us our needed correction because He loves us (Heb. 12:5-6). And He is a closer Friend and Companion than we could ever ask for (Deut. 31:6).  It is because of who our Father is that we can all celebrate Father’s Day regardless of how good of an earthly father we have. And it is because of this that we can even wish our human dads, “Happy Father’s Day!”
In His service,


Matt’s Matters: Happy Mother’s Day…Lucy?!

Here in America, we take time to honor those who have sacrificed for us, those who have dedicated their lives for others, and those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. While you may think that I am speaking of those marvelous military heroes who we honor on Memorial Day, but I’m thinking of someone else. Someone who has made a personal impact on your life, and mine – mom.
Each year we take time to honor our mother with kind words, cards, flowers and a day off from cooking (well at least that is what mom hopes for). But where did our mother come from?  Some believe that our ancient mother is Lucy, the skeletal remains of an ape which was found to have some bone structures resembling our human shape.
When one examines Lucy’s remains with this impression, they emphasize her sloping forehead, over-sized jaw and anything else that might appear to be similar to mankind. Then from this examination, they determine that we evolved from apes. However, this examiner overlooked several other features of Lucy. The foremost being Lucy’s hip structure which cannot support walking upright and how her foot bones are curved like an ape’s, not a human’s. Thus, when one sees Lucy illustrated as standing like a human, they are looking at a blatant misrepresentation.
What’s more, the theory that one species can evolve into another has never been proven. In fact even Charles Darwin himself recognized this fact. He wrote in his book, My Life and Letters, vol. 1, page 210, "Not one change of species into another is on record. We cannot prove that a single species has been changed (into another)."
While the link that mankind evolved from an ape, is well…missing, the link that each of us have been wonderfully and fearfully made by God in our mother’s womb is overwhelming (Psalm 139:13-14). Not only are you precious in your mother’s sight, but you are precious in His sight as well (Isa. 43:4). God formed you and knew you by name when you were in your mother’s womb (Jer. 1:5).
Mothers have one of the hardest tasks in the world to do. They learn to wear all sorts of hats from being the nurse, chauffeur, cook, tutor, counselor, and a trusted friend. And this is only a partial listing of the roles which moms have.
Therefore, as we enter the month of May, may we recognize the truth of who our mother is not…an ape named Lucy; while at the same time, may we recognize the special gift which God has blessed us with in our real mothers. May God’s riches blessings be upon all of you, mothers!
In His service,


Matt’s Matters: April Fools or Factual Faith

On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013 Christians around the world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. On the next day a lot of people wanted to say, “April fools.” However, is that the way the evidence points?
First, consider the empty tomb. All four Gospels record this to be the case. So what happened to Jesus’ body? The earliest non-Christian response is that His body was stolen by the disciples while the guards were sleep1ing. Question: how did the guards know that it was Jesus’ disciples who took His body if they were asleep? Both Roman and Jewish law would have required that the guards be put to death for sleeping on duty. So why weren’t they punished? Furthermore, why did the extremely wealthy and powerful chief priests not conduct a manhunt for Jesus’ body? They had all the necessary resources to do this. If the body would have been found, Christianity would be over. But why did they not attempt to do this? Could it be that they themselves knew that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead?
Second, consider the eye witness accounts. 1 Corinthians 15:6 states that Jesus appeared to more than 500 people at one time after that first Easter Sunday. Medical professionals tell us that it is impossible for that many people to hallucinate the exact same account at the same time. Furthermore, hallucinations do not happen over an extended period of time and Jesus appeared to various individuals over a 40 day period of time. Some believe that the eye witnesses were merely seeing the ghost of Jesus. However, the eye witnesses were able to not only see Him but also touch Him. And Jesus shared meals with these witnesses. Others say that Jesus survived the crucifixion and then in the coolness of the tomb was able to recover. This argument has some serious issues which one must consider. Even if Jesus did not die from the crucifixion, the spear thrust from the Roman soldier in His side hit His heart, ensuring His death. Could it be that these eye witnesses did in fact see the risen Jesus Christ as all the evidence points to? 
Third, consider the transformed lives. Some of the individuals whom Jesus appeared to were adamantly opposed to Christianity. Jesus’ brother had rejected Him prior to seeing the resurrected Jesus. Yet after this encounter James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. Or who can forget the Apostle Paul. Paul persecuted Christians, having some put in prison and others executed. Yet after seeing the risen Jesus, Paul became one of the most influential missionaries in history. How does one explain these life transformations if Jesus did not in fact rise from the dead?
These three pieces of evidence are only a minute portion of the evidence available concerning the reality of the resurrection. However, by themselves they establish an overwhelming case for the validity of factual faith. Therefore, I encourage and invite you to examine the evidence concerning the Truth of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

In His service,

How to Understand the Bible 101: Lesson 4b: The Three Great Ages—The Full Pathway Towards Biblical Salvation

When you die do you know where you will spend eternity? This is the most important question every person must answer. The Bible is very clear, we will all stand before the Lord and give an account for our lives (Rom. 14:12). Therefore, it does matter how we live. On the one hand, it is impossible for anyone of us to save ourselves (Matt. 19:25-26). There is no such thing as a “good” person (Rom. 3:10-23; 6:23). But on the other hand, it is by grace through faith that salvation is made possible (Eph. 2:8-9). But what steps are necessary to be saved through faith?
Some believe that all people will be saved, so there are no steps necessary to become saved. Others believe that they must somehow earn their salvation. Many believe that all one must do is say a sinner’s prayer. Some add to that trusting in Jesus in order to be saved, and others add things like baptism as well. So what is the Biblical plan of salvation through faith, when ALL of Scripture is examined?
First, by faith: a person must believe in Jesus, that He died, rose from the grave, and that He takes a person’s sins away (John 3:16; 11:25-26; Col. 1:23). The belief talked about in John 3:16 means a present active trust in Christ for salvation. It is NOT a past tense, one-time event. In other words, this type of belief must remain in the person until death if it is to be effective. 
Second, by faith: a person must repent of their sins (Luke 13:3, 5; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 5:31; 17:30; 26:20; 2 Peter 3:9). Repentance is a change of mind about sin which will result in a change of lifestyle (Matt. 3:9; Acts 26:20).
Third, by faith: a person must confess Jesus as Lord. Peter models this type of confession in Matthew 16:16, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Through this confession, the new believer has just declared that all that they do must first be cleared through Jesus; He is their Master (Matt. 10:32-33; Rom. 10:9-10; 1 John 4:2-3, 15).
And fourth, by faith: a person must be baptized (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:16; John 3:3-5; Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:27; 1 Peter 3:21). In Acts 2:38, Peter plainly teaches that baptism is essential for salvation:  “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
The Greek word for baptism (baptizo) always means to immerse. This is the picture of being buried with Christ (Rom. 6:3-6; Col. 2:12). Immersion is a passive event. It is not a work for the person being immersed. Likewise Saul (the Apostle Paul) was told how to be saved which included being immersed. 'Now why do you delay? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16). Furthermore, the New Testament church modeled this pattern (see Acts 8:12, 36-38 9:18; 16:14-15, 33-34).
While some may argue some of the points laid out above, we must remember which of the Three Great Ages we are in (Patriarchal Age, Mosaic Age, and the Christian/Church Age). Hebrews 7:12 says, “For when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law.”
With the change of law also came a change in the way we receive salvation, or God’s grace. In the Mosaic Age, a person needed to have faith in the God of Israel including following all of the prescribed laws; thus becoming a Jew. Now, in the Christian/Church Age this is no longer necessary, but this is where common misunderstandings come in.
Some people will point to the thief on the cross and say, “Since the thief did not have to be immersed in order to be saved then neither do I.” However, one must consider when did the thief on the cross live and die? Answer: he lived and died in the Mosaic Age. Christian baptism was not commanded until 50 days later (Acts 2:38 see also Mark 16:16) at the beginning of the Christian/Church Age.
Others will look at one passage without considering who it was originally written to. Were they non-believers, or were they already immersed believers? Remember, immersion is a one-time event. However, the necessity to continue in the present active trust in Christ for a person’s salvation must be present until we are with the Lord in heaven (Matt. 10:32-33; 1 John 1:7-10).
Therefore, the faith Eph. 2:8 mentions is the heading under which each part of the Biblical plan of salvation falls: belief, repentance, confession and immersion. To reject this, is to reject numerous clear passages of Scripture and goes against proper Biblical interpretation.
By having and following the Biblical plan of salvation we can have assurance of our salvation (1 John 5:13). We can enjoy times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord here and now (Acts 3:19).  And we are free from condemnation on the Day of Judgment, since we are in Christ (Rom. 8:1).
It is my prayer that you follow the Biblical plan of salvation in order that you can have great confidence both now and on that Day when you stand before the Lord concerning your eternity.  If you have not, what is holding you back from getting right with God?
Because of God’s love,

How to Understand the Bible 101: Lesson 4a: The Three Great Ages—Following the Obsolete vs. Living by the Complete: A look at the Law

Why do you believe and follow what you do? Is it because this is the way which you were taught or this is the way you’ve always done things? How do you know for sure that you are right? What if what you believe and follow is not the case; or maybe it was the case at some point in time but it is no longer? These questions are vitally important in every area of life and particularly when they regard things which have eternal consequences.

This month, we continue examining one of the most misunderstood principles for understanding the Bible which has led to why there are so many different denominations and views on some Biblical passages. Hebrews 7:12 says, “For when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law.” The Bible lists 3 separate priesthoods (see below). Each of these priesthoods has their own laws.

The Patriarchal Age (Job 1:5)
The Mosaic Age (Exodus 28:1)
The Church/Christian Age (1 Peter 2:9)
Fathers: The fathers of the households who served as priests, offering sacrifices and mediating for their families.
Levities: Aaron’s male descendants of his son Levi functioned as the priest.
Christians: Every believer is acts as a mediator between God and the sinful world by being responsible to tell others about God. (1 Pet. 2:9). Jesus is the only High Priest and mediator between God and us as believers. God spoke through Jesus (Heb. 1:2) and His apostles (Eph. 2:5).
Oral: God spoke directly to the fathers. This law was passed down orally through the generations.
Written: God inspired Moses and the Prophets to write the OT.
Spiritual: God inspired the Apostles who wrote the NT (2 Tim. 3:16). This law has also been written on the hearts of all believers (Heb. 8:10-11).
Family altars (Job 1:5)
The Tabernacle during the wilderness wandering period, and then primary at the Temple in Jerusalem afterward.
Worship is to be done in spirit and truth within every believer (John 4:23-24).
Animals (Gen. 8:20; 22:13)
Unblemished Animals (Lev. 22:18-20)
Jesus the Lamb of God (Heb. 10:10; 1 Pet. 1:18-19)

We today live under the New Covenant of the Church/Christian Age, and according to Hebrews 8:13 God has made the former covenants obsolete. Some will say that Jesus only did away with the ceremonial law of the OT; however, the NT does not make such a case (see Rom. 10:4; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14)! Therefore, in order for the letter of the law to apply from a former covenant it must be restated in the newer covenant. Thus, a lot of things have changed. This is why we no longer offer animal sacrifices, be circumcised, or are bound by dietary restrictions (Mark 7:19). This is why we are no longer bound by the Sabbath commandment (Col. 2:16). Even still, we as Christians are commanded to continue meeting together (Heb. 10:25). The Sabbath has always been Saturday. However, the primary day in which we do that is the Lord’s Day, Sunday because that is the day which Jesus rose from the grave and that was the day which the NT church met (John 20:19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Rev. 1:10). Even still the Lord’s Day is not the new Sabbath for Christians; Jesus is where we as Christians find rest (Matt. 11:28-30). And He promises a rest yet to come in heaven (Heb. 4:9).
Next month, we will take a look at another extremely common misunderstanding, which can be traced back to the law of the New Covenant under the Church Age, that is: is baptism essential for salvation? But for now, let’s consider the implications of being under the law of the Church Age. The OT law made nothing perfect, and as Christians, we have great confidence, allowing us to approach God, at any time, day or night (Heb. 7:19).  We are cared for deeply (Heb. 8:9). God’s law is in our minds and written on our hearts (Heb.8:10). We are His specially chosen people (Heb. 8:10). God Himself has chosen to be merciful to us, forgiving our sins and remembering them no more (Heb. 8:12). And now the only law which we are under is that of love (Rom 13:8-10). It is because of love which God gave us His laws; and it is because of our love for Him that we follow the law as Scripture teaches.  
Because of God’s great love,

How to Understand the Bible 101: Lesson 3: The Three Great Ages—Call Waiting or Direct Access: A look at the Priesthood

Have you ever needed help from the Lord? Who hasn’t?! Yet, how does one do that? Is it necessary to sacrifice a lamb or bull? Or do you need to offer a grain or peace offering as described in the book of Leviticus? Or do you need to take a trip to a festival in Jerusalem? If you are like most people who have read the Bible you have questioned why certain things were necessary (especially in the Old Testament (OT), and why people don’t practice some of the things which were done back then. The concept which I am referring to is one of the most misunderstood principles for understanding the Bible, and it is one of the reasons why there are numerous views on some Biblical passages.

Hebrews 7:12 says, “For when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law.” A priest is a mediator between God and mankind. Throughout the Bible we find three priesthoods (ages) each having their own law, place of worship and sacrifices. The first is known as “The Patriarchal Age” which began with Adam and Eve and ended when Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. The second is known as “The Mosaic Age” which began on Mount Sinai and ended with the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. And the final age is known “The Christian/Church Age.” This began with the death of Christ and will last until Jesus returns. At that point, time will be no more. The chart below gives a comparison of The Three Great Ages.

The Patriarchal Age (Job 1:5)
The Mosaic Age
(Exodus 28:1)
The Church/Christian Age (1 Peter 2:9)
Fathers: The fathers of the households who served as priests, offering sacrifices and mediating for their families.
Levities: Aaron’s male descendants of his son Levi functioned as the priest.
Christians: Every believer is acts as a mediator between God and the sinful world by being responsible to tell others about God. (1 Pet. 2:9). Jesus is the only High Priest and mediator between God and us as believers. God spoke through Jesus (Heb. 1:2) and His apostles (Eph. 2:5).
Oral: God spoke directly to the fathers. This law was passed down orally through the generations.
Written: God inspired Moses and the Prophets to write the OT.
Spiritual: God inspired the Apostles who wrote the NT (2 Tim. 3:16). This law has also been written on the hearts of all believers (Heb. 8:10-11).
Family altars (Job 1:5)
The Tabernacle during the wilderness wandering period, and then primary at the Temple in Jerusalem afterward.
Worship is to be done in spirit and truth within every believer (John 4:23-24).
Animals (Gen. 8:20; 22:13)
Unblemished Animals (Lev. 22:18-20)
Jesus the Lamb of God (Heb. 10:10; 1 Pet. 1:18-19)

There is a false assumption/teaching that some believers have greater access to God than others. Some in fact teach that a person must confess their sins to someone whom those sins were not committed against and that somehow this person can forgive them or bring them back into a proper relationship with God. It is easy to see how one might come to that conclusion when they do not understand Hebrews 7:12 as stated above. However, that is clearly not scriptural! Now under the New Covenant within the Church Age each and every one of us as Christians can go boldly into God the Father’s presence through Jesus Christ (Heb. 4:16). Therefore, you don’t have to go to another Christian, a deacon, elder, pastor, priest, minister or other church leader when you need help from the Lord. Jesus Christ has cleared the communication lines.
Furthermore, when a person has a proper Biblical understanding of the priesthood, every Christian’s purpose in life becomes clear. 1 Peter 2:9 states the reason for which every Christian is a priest: it is “to declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” God has given us the wonderful light of salvation and the incredible privilege of being royal ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:18-21).  We are honored with the joy of leading others to the forgiveness, mercy, grace, love, joy, peace, and purpose of serving the King of kings. When one fully understands even a same portion of all of the blessings which God has for us, why wouldn’t they want to tell it to the world?! Therefore, may having a proper understanding of God’s Word transform your life into the life for which you were created to live!

Because of God’s amazing grace,