
Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Part #1: Who’s Your Daddy?

Throughout our society there is a commonly held belief that mankind evolved from apes and that apes came from something else and so on all the way back to a single cell organism and then to nonliving chemicals. However, science itself proves that that is impossible! The scientific law of bio-genesis states that without exception life always comes from life! Furthermore, scientific observation proves that all living organisms reproduce other organisms after their own kind. Hum, that is exactly what the Bible teaches.  
Just consider the evidence for yourself. Have you ever seen in real life a cat with a snail’s shell or an elephant with wings? How about finding apples growing on corn stalks or carrots hanging from trees? Or what about giraffes swinging from trees with monkeys’ tails? Or turtles with antlers? Of course you haven’t seen these things, no one has. That is simply because life is about who your daddy (and mommy) is.  
In spite of what the scientific law of bio-genesis proves, atheists refuse to believe it. That is called blind faith. It means believing something which has no evidence supporting it. It is this quantity of faith which is far beyond the level of faith required to believe what the Bible teaches. And as we will see over the next several months, creation and science point to the rationality of the Bible and confirms its teaching. Thus, the basis of Biblical faith just makes sense! 
Therefore, this month as we celebrate Father’s Day we honor our human daddy because of the life which has been passed on to us. We honor him for the instructions, love, corrects, provisions, companionship and the millions of other things he has passed on to us.
I recognize that for many of us Father’s Day may be a very difficult time because our earthly father wasn't the man whom we needed him to be. Thankfully though, there is a Father whom every one of us can rely upon (2 Cor. 6:18). God the Father is our Creator; He is ultimately responsible for giving us life (1 Cor. 8:6).  He loves us (Psalm 103:13). He provides for our needs (Acts 17:24-28; Phil. 4:19). He gives us our needed correction because He loves us (Heb. 12:5-6). And He is a closer Friend and Companion than we could ever ask for (Deut. 31:6).  It is because of who our Father is that we can all celebrate Father’s Day regardless of how good of an earthly father we have. And it is because of this that we can even wish our human dads, “Happy Father’s Day!”
In His service,


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