
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Matt’s Matters: Happy Mother’s Day…Lucy?!

Here in America, we take time to honor those who have sacrificed for us, those who have dedicated their lives for others, and those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. While you may think that I am speaking of those marvelous military heroes who we honor on Memorial Day, but I’m thinking of someone else. Someone who has made a personal impact on your life, and mine – mom.
Each year we take time to honor our mother with kind words, cards, flowers and a day off from cooking (well at least that is what mom hopes for). But where did our mother come from?  Some believe that our ancient mother is Lucy, the skeletal remains of an ape which was found to have some bone structures resembling our human shape.
When one examines Lucy’s remains with this impression, they emphasize her sloping forehead, over-sized jaw and anything else that might appear to be similar to mankind. Then from this examination, they determine that we evolved from apes. However, this examiner overlooked several other features of Lucy. The foremost being Lucy’s hip structure which cannot support walking upright and how her foot bones are curved like an ape’s, not a human’s. Thus, when one sees Lucy illustrated as standing like a human, they are looking at a blatant misrepresentation.
What’s more, the theory that one species can evolve into another has never been proven. In fact even Charles Darwin himself recognized this fact. He wrote in his book, My Life and Letters, vol. 1, page 210, "Not one change of species into another is on record. We cannot prove that a single species has been changed (into another)."
While the link that mankind evolved from an ape, is well…missing, the link that each of us have been wonderfully and fearfully made by God in our mother’s womb is overwhelming (Psalm 139:13-14). Not only are you precious in your mother’s sight, but you are precious in His sight as well (Isa. 43:4). God formed you and knew you by name when you were in your mother’s womb (Jer. 1:5).
Mothers have one of the hardest tasks in the world to do. They learn to wear all sorts of hats from being the nurse, chauffeur, cook, tutor, counselor, and a trusted friend. And this is only a partial listing of the roles which moms have.
Therefore, as we enter the month of May, may we recognize the truth of who our mother is not…an ape named Lucy; while at the same time, may we recognize the special gift which God has blessed us with in our real mothers. May God’s riches blessings be upon all of you, mothers!
In His service,


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