
Friday, October 18, 2013

Elder's Corner: Cracked Rocks & Strong Families

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, you get the idea.  No, it's not a flat tire and it is not me out just out of whack.  I just finished 7 1/2 hours of breaking rock out of the back wall behind the church with a jack hammer. 
You would think running machinery, breaking rocks up and digging holes would be every man’s dream, but the fun only lasted about 2 minutes.  The suspense of pulling up to this giant boulder with the power of a 750 pound jack hammer at your finger tips; that you just know that you can destroy.  You place the hammer bit against the giant rock expecting to pull the trigger and the rock to just shatter, but instead it just sits there glaring at you not even moving.  The boulder is taunting you.  So you move your chisel over and look for a crack.  You learn to look for the natural cracks in the rock and split them apart there.  You also learn to break off the little unsupported pieces. 
Our family is just like that rock.  As long as it we have the support of all those around us, the world cannot break us down. But when we allow members of our family to be unsupported, the jack hammers of life can simply break that family apart.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 says we are to encourage each other and build one another up.  Who can you build up this week?


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