
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Understand the Bible 101: Lesson 5a: The Three Great Ages—Worship Who?

It doesn’t matter who you are, every person worships someone or something. Some people worship the creation, others worship their money, possessions, careers, recreations, or even their families. Others worship false gods, while some worship the One True God. We may not bow down before who or what we worship but every person does worship. Worship is showing reverence, adoration and devotion for (Oxford English Dictionary). This definition can apply to both deity or to anyone or anything else.
So who or what are we supposed to worship? The answer to this question really doesn’t matter IF God has not revealed Himself to us. However, He has! There are several arguments which prove His existence.
First, the cosmological argument says if there is a building then there must be a builder, a watch then a watch maker, and if there is a creation then there must be a Creator. Second, the teleological argument: No sane person would believe that Mount Rushmore just naturally formed by water eroding it over billions of years since it reveals clear evidence of design. Throughout our world we find incredible evidence of design—things which could not have happened by random chance over billions of years. 
Third, the moral argument: if we were here by random chance then survival of the fittest ,murder and rape would be deemed perfectly acceptable and normal. However, people all over the world know intuitively that certain things are wrong. God has wired our minds to know these things. There are several other proofs of God’s existence which have been discussed in the Matt’s Matters section. Therefore, since God does exist, how do we know which God is the True God?
By examining the various world religions we learn that only 3 world religions claim to be inspired by God in their sacred writings: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All other religions only claim to be human solutions to the problems mankind faces, or they are devotional poems and songs and stories, but do not factually claim God has revealed Himself. If that seems narrow-minded take it up with the founders of the various world religions, but don’t assume that they say more than they actually do. 
Islam can be quickly ruled out as historically inaccurate. The Koran states that Jesus was taken up into heaven without dying on the cross (Surah 4:157-158).  The Koran was written about A.D. 632, that is 600 years after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.  However, there are 39 ancient sources, dating back to the 1st Century, including Christians and non-Christians which document these events as factual (Gary Habermas: The Verdict of History, 1988). This brings it down to just Judaism and Christianity. 
The Old Testament lists 313 specific prophecies concerning the Christ; history supports Jesus’ fulfillment of these and His resurrection (see Now to briefly discuss the topic at hand,  how has worship changed from during the Three Great Ages?
The clarity of the picture of who we are to worship has changed. Yes, throughout the Bible we can see all 3 persons of the Trinity (Gen. 1:26; Matt. 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:2). Yet, the understanding of who the One True God is and what He is like grows as one goes from the Patriarchal Age to the Mosaic Age to the Church Age, and then when we see Him in glory we will have an even greater understanding of Him.
Adam and Eve and others living in the Patriarchal Age knew little about Jesus. It is highly probable that it was Jesus walking in the Garden (Gen. 3:8), and they knew that He would one day destroy the serpent (Gen. 3:15).  Likewise they knew little about the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2; 41:38).
This same principle can be shown in the Mosaic Age. Yes, the amount of Scripture in this age grew significantly!  However, many struggled to fully grasp it until after Jesus explained it to them (Luke 24:27).
Therefore, throughout the Three Great Ages, the object of our worship is to be upon the One True God who continues to reveal Himself  to us more and more each day. Thus, may we Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Because of God’s love,


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