
Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Part #4: Random Chance or Thoughtful Design

Mount Rushmore is one of the most intriguing sculptures in the world. It is a monumental feet of majestic beauty. This sculpture honoring 4 of our country’s distinguished presidents consists of an enormous 60 feet in height. It took 400 workers 14 years to carefully craft into the side of that mountain their designer’s art work. 
Now, what if Mount Rushmore’s history was not recorded, and someone looked at it and told you that those 4 presidents’ faces were created by natural water erosion over billions of years? Would any sane person believe them? Absolutely not! Why? Simply because Mount Rushmore shows clear evidence of design. The same could be said of the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty, airplanes, automobiles, computers, and numerous other things.
However, what about our universe? Does our world show evidence of design? ABSOLUTELY! Take the basic building block for life, DNA. Consider what a highly unlikely source admits about DNA: “The message [contained within the DNA] found in just the cell nucleus of a tiny amoeba [the simplest form of life] is more than 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica combined, and the entire amoeba has as much information in its DNA as [do] 1,000 complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica!” (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker: 1987, p. 17-18, 116). Atheist, Richard Dawkins, by the way, is “one of the most respected scientists in the world and the biggest draw in secularism” (according to the website).
Thus, even atheists recognize the thoughtfulness of design found in our universe. The late Isaac Asimov, one of the most prolific authors and professors of biochemistry said, “In man is a 3 pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe” (Smithsonian: June 1970, p. 10). And Dr. Richard Dawkins said, “We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance” (The Blind Watchmaker: 1987, p. 43).  
So why would people, even those who are incredibly intelligent, as these men are, reject the obvious conclusion of intelligent design? Romans 1:25 gives us the answer: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
All who reject the evidence which is so blatantly clear desire to live in their own sinfulness rather than concede to the truth. Sadly, these individuals are missing the thoughtfulness of our Designer. God loves them, as He does all people, and thoughtfully created the universe by design (Psalm 104:24). Likewise, you are not here by accident, but by careful and thoughtful design. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the very image of God (Gen. 1:26; Psalm 139:14).  
In His service,


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