
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Spiritual Reality #11: Possessed

Last month we discussed the reality of demonic influences on individuals and how a person can recognize it. This raises the question: Can a Christian be demon possessed? The answer to this question completely depends upon a proper understanding of the original New Testament (NT) Greek word that gets translated as such. This is where the misunderstanding occurs.
The word “possessed” does NOT exist in the Greek NT. Wayne Grudem explains this by saying, “The Greek NT can speak of people who ‘have a demon’ (Matt. 11:18), or it can speak of people who are suffering from demonic influence (Matt. 4:24), but it never uses language that suggests that a demon actually ‘possesses’ someone”- (Systematic Theology, p. 423). Therefore, technically speaking no one can be “demon possessed” rather a person can only be under their influence.
The significance of this clarification is that by saying a person is “possessed” implies that they have no freewill choice but to give into the demon’s attacks and temptations. Thus, literally speaking, a Christian cannot be demon possessed (Rom. 6:14). On the other hand, a Christian can be under their influence. The Apostle Paul admits to being tormented by a demon (2 Cor. 12:7). Like-wise, Jesus freed a believer who had struggled with “a spirit of infirmity for 18 years” (Luke 13:11 NKJV).
Some will make the argument that demons can’t exist in the same place as the Holy Spirit. Yet demons and the Spirit are vastly different meta-physically. The Spirit is divine, infinite, and uncreated, while demons are imperfect, finite, and created beings. Further-more, if an evil spirit and the Spirit can’t operate at the same time and place, then there would be no need to be on the alert for our enemy (1 Pet. 5:8), nor to put on the armor of God (Eph. 6:11).   
“The influence that Satan and his demons can have on believers is a matter of degree. Since we live in a world whose god is Satan (2 Cor. 4:4), the possibility of being tempted, deceived, and accused is continuously present. If you allow his schemes to influence you, you can lose control to the degree that you have been deceived”-(Anderson, The Bondage Breaker, p. 187).  Their influence can include bringing certain ideas and images into our minds. “They stoke the fires of our sinful desires and exploit our spiritual weaknesses. They work indirectly upon our wills through other people”- (Cottrell, The Faith Once for All, p. 175).
So how do we as Christians overcome and/or prevent demonic influences in our lives? Satan and his demon’s most effective means of influencing our lives is through deception, as they “deceive the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Therefore, first, we must know and follow the truth; Jesus is the truth (John 14:6). And He has given us all truth necessary to overcome in His Word (John 8:32).
Second, we can overcome demonic influences through resisting by the power of the Holy Spirit (James 4:7). The Holy Spirit is the One who is greater than our enemy and He lives within us (1 John 4:4).
And third, we can overcome demonic influences by avoiding things that they could use as a foothold in our lives like unrighteous anger (Eph. 4:27), jealousy, selfishness, boasting and lying (James 3:14-16)
Therefore, may we as Christians protect ourselves with the truth (Eph. 6:14). May we resist our enemy through righteousness (Eph. 6:14). And may we avoid opportunities that could open ourselves up to their attacks (Eph. 6:16). 
In His service,


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