
Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Spiritual Reality #12: Ghosts & Goblins

Ghost stories have been around for thousands of years. Even Jesus’ disciples displayed a belief in ghosts when they saw Him walking on water (Mark 6:49). In recent times, ghosts have stepped into our media through Charles Dickens’s 1843 classic, A Christmas Carol and subsequent movies which supports ghosts. Since then, an abundance of movies propagating the belief in ghosts have appeared “Field of Dreams,” “Ghost,” “Casper,” “Lost,” etc. And TV shows such as “Ghost Hunters,” which attempt to investigate claims of ghosts using infrared cameras and other devices.
Through this popularization of ghosts,  studies point to nearly one in five Americans believe in ghosts, and also claim to have seen one (http://www.relevant view/what-does-bible-say-about-ghosts#1mShvXoK Q1EkPUHL.99). But does the belief in something prove that it exists?  What does Scripture say about the existence of poltergeists?
Before we can address this question, we need to have an understanding of what a ghost actually is. Webster defines it as “the soul of a dead person thought of as living in an unseen world or as appearing to living people.” With this definition in mind, the Bible clearly addresses whether or not ghosts exist.
In Luke 16, Jesus tells an account of two people who have died, one man named Lazarus and the second called a rich man. Lazarus was said to be in Paradise, while the rich man was in Hades (a place of torment). Yet neither one were able to change their locations as bad as the rich man would have liked.
Hebrews 9:27 plainly states “It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment”-(NASB). There is no in between, and there are no second chances once this life is over.
For the wicked (all non-followers of Jesus Christ are reserved for the day of calamity; They will be led forth at the day of fury” (Job 21:30 NASB). Therefore, Scripture tells us that “today is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).
“No evidence has produced a single fact that should sway a Christian into believing that the spirits of deceased people can loiter on earth” (https://answersin Then how does one explain the experiences many claim to have had?
Scripture points to only two possibilities of their identity. First, it is possible for a person to be confused by a figment of their imaginations. Or second, it could be a sighting of something demonic. In his book The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and Psychic Phenomena, Christian author Ron Rhodes states, “People sometimes genuinely encounter a spirit entity—though not a dead human. Some people encounter demonic spirits who may mimic dead people in order to deceive the living (see 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim. 4:1–3). Many who claim to have encountered such spirit entities have some prior involvement in the occult” (p. 71).
Why would demons want to deceive the living by impersonating the dead? They are enemies of God, and would like to cast doubt on God’s Word and its warnings about the future judgment.
Therefore, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).
In His service,

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