
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Elder’s Corner: Secret Truth vs. The Eternal Truth

A few weeks back in our Sunday adult class, we read the letter of 2 John. In it the Apostle John speaks of his love for Christ and all Christians as they walk in the truth. Knowing that the truth is a path for freedom, so John warns about failing to follow it.
The original recipients of 2 John were a group who had doubts about Jesus: questioning His existence, miracles, teachings, death and resurrection. Claiming like today, that there are secret books, or “gospels,” rather than accepting the Bible’s teaching of its completion (Rev. 22:18-19). These false teachers claim that the church is trying to cover up things.
Thus, these false teachers claim that there is a hidden knowledge that the church does not want a person to know. The idea of “new secrets” propagated in John’s day, was also known as the heresy of Gnosticism. This so called “secret truth” finds no credibility (see
 In John 8:32, Jesus states “You will know the true and the truth will set you free.” Truth is readily accessible in contrast with the secret truth that John mentioned and some cults assert today.
The truth, which lives in us, gives a personal sense of understanding as an indwelling power. We have the access to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) when we follow His instructions to remain in Him as He remains in us. Truth is not temporary or situational, but will be with us forever, contrary to today’s rejection of absolute truth. This is the eternal truth of God’s Word.      


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