
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Worldview #18: Don’t All Religions Teach the Same Thing?

 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).
One non-Christian named Suzie stated, “Christians are just so narrow-minded and arrogant. Who are you to say one group or culture is right or wrong? To say Native American Indians, for instance, were wrong in all their beliefs because they knew nothing about Jesus? That’s ridiculous.” How would you respond to Suzie? I mean come on, what makes us right and everyone else wrong? Are all Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists doomed to hell? Isn’t it arrogant to believe that Christianity is the only path to eternal life?
It is true that all major world religions have some similarities. All teach some version of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” All teach that we should honor our parents. All teach that we should not murder, commit adultery, steal, or lie. And all teach that we should care for the weak and less fortunate.  However, there are not many other similarities than these. Beyond that, these similarities only confirm God’s existence since He has wired into our hearts that certain things are inherently wrong even if one has done them; thus, pointing to a Moral Law Giver.
On the other hand, there are fundamental differences between the major world religions. Take for example Hinduism. Hinduism teaches that the entire universe is God, (Brahmin), and that one must overcome their bad deeds, advancing through different caste systems by reincarnation to eventually become one with Brahmin.
On the other hand, Buddhism denies fundamental doctrines of Hinduism: the caste system. It also denies that God exists. Buddhism teaches a goal of reaching Nirvana: eliminating all desires or cravings in order to escape suffering and achieve nonexistence.
Meanwhile, Islam teaches that only Muslims will be saved. And salvation comes ultimately through good works done for Allah which must outweigh their bad deeds to earn their way to Paradise. And Christianity teaches that one goes to heaven not based on their own good deeds but by faith alone in Jesus.  
Thus, there are fundamental differences between the world religions and at best only superficial similarities. In fact, only three of the major world religions even claim to be inspired by God: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The other religions claim only to be human solutions to the problems mankind faces, or they are devotional poems, songs and stories, but do not factually claim God has revealed Himself. Therefore, we must not assume more than they actually claim.
The bottom line is that all religions do not teach the same thing! And God’s Word states that salvation is only found in Jesus’s name (Acts 4:9-12). So is Jesus your Savior and Lord?
In His service,


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