
Monday, April 3, 2017

Worldview #17: Something Worth Living For

 “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21).
What or who are you living for? Many live for their families, some live for their work, while others live for their recreations, or other things. As Christians, we are called to live for Christ. Unfortunately, there are many who claim to live for Christ and believe that they are doing His will by saying and doing things in a very unbiblical manor.
In John 8, we find the story of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery being brought to Jesus by some religious leaders. These religious leaders asked Jesus what they should do to the woman since the Old Testament law commanded that she should be stoned to death for her sin. Rightfully the woman should have died for her sin. However, that was not how Jesus responded. Instead, Jesus responded with no condemnation. He accepted her as a person, and then basically told her that He wanted more for her by telling her to leave her life of sin (8:11).
The response that Jesus offers each one of us is the same as that of the adulterous woman in John 8. He extended grace and mercy towards her. He loved her. He sought to lead her to a better life that God desires for each person—better than anyone of us could ever ask for or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Jesus responded in this same way to all of those who were far from God. The only individuals whom Jesus responded harshly to were the religious leaders; thus, those who should have known better.
God calls all of us as Christians to respond in the same way. He has given each one of us as Christians a calling that is worth living for. It is a call of loving others regardless of the sins that the struggle with, regardless of their religious affiliations, regardless of who they voted for, regardless of their sexual preferences, etc.
Loving others does not mean that we approve of their actions. But it means that we see them as having great value: as people made in the image of God, and whom Jesus died for. There are seeds of greatness inside every person as God is the creator of us all.
And God calls us to extend grace to all people. As a church, and as a representative of Eugene Christian Church, I want you to know that we are here for you, we care for you, and want to help you to navigate through life-following the path that will lead to the best possible life, the life that God always intended you to live.
Why do I say all of these things to you? I do so because someone else was willing to do the same things for me. And as I began to follow Christ, I discovered a life worth living. And we as a church would like to help you find it as well.
So may the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. And may the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace (Num. 6:24-26 NLT).
In His service,


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