
Monday, April 28, 2014

The Blessed Life #4: Amazing Grace

A certain man was a slave owner in the 18th century in England. He spent several years of his life in this profession, buying and selling slaves. He was likewise known as a drunk and rebellious/law breaking man. He was a man who was clearly far from God. However, God was not far from him.
On a voyage back to England from Africa, it appeared that all would be lost as the ship encountered a very severe storm. During this time, this man decided to read a book called Imitation of Christ (by Thomas Kempis). As a result of his experience and the message which he read, this man’s life was changed! This man’s name was John Newton.
John Newton realized the awesomeness of God’s grace which is exactly why he penned these words: “Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” Shortly before his death, John said, “My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: ‘That I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior!’”
John was never able to get over the fact that no matter what he had done in the past, God’s grace was greater!
The story of God’s amazing grace could be summarized with the acrostic G.R.A.C.E.: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. That is, Jesus died on the cross to pay the wages of our sins which were owed to our Righteous Judge, God the Father. Thus, Jesus bought our freedom by taking our place. We are now able to be forgiven!
Psalm 103:12 states, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Why does God tell us that He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west? He does because when one begins traveling east around the earth they will always be headed in the same direction (unlike one traveling north or south, when they reach the North or South Pole they will begin to travel in the opposite direction). The point which God is making is that our sins have been removed forever. When one fully understands this their lives will never be the same. That was clearly the case with John Newton.
Even though John was far from God for much of his life, he didn’t stay there. There was a new name written down in Glory on account of him receiving the gift of eternal life, and it was John Newton His life was transformed by God’s amazing grace. As a result of this, God gave him a new purpose. Therefore, for the rest of John’s life, he fought, year after year, to end the practice of slavery throughout the British domain. And in the same year that he passed away, his mission was completed.
I don’t know what great purpose God has in store for you personally. However, I do know that His grace is available for you. And this amazing grace will transform your life, offering purpose, peace, and prosperity. Even though the prosperity may not come in this life, it will come, when the roll is called Up yonder.
Because of God’s amazing grace,


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