
Monday, April 28, 2014

Elder’s Corner: Opportunities for Growth

If you and I are anything alike, you have dropped your face toward the ground, perhaps closed your eyes, maybe shook your head back and forth, and then quietly reflected on what you just did.  Perhaps you have had a thought like, “could I be that stupid,” or “did I really just do that?”
That was my feeling this week at work when I locked approximately 50 feet of drill rod down in the ground.  I am on day 6 and have not been able to move it. All of my attempts have failed.
Sometimes you feel like your life is out of control and all you can do is wait and then pick up the pieces.  The other way to look at things is this.  When I finally figure out how to remove it, the knowledge will stay with me.  I already learned what not to do.  Now I need to learn what to do.  Joseph was sold in to slavery, imprisoned, and then saved the Israelite people; thus he protected the people through whom the Messiah would come into the world (Gen. 50:20).
Peter walked on water, took his eyes off Jesus and sank (Matt. 14:22-33). But his story didn’t end there. 50 days after Jesus resurrection, Peter preached and 3,000 people got saved on that day (Acts 2).
Little David killed Goliath (1 Sam. 17), only to commit adultery with Bathsheba and murder her husband (2 Sam. 11). Yet, when he repented, he became a great king (Acts 13:22).
Junk happens, but God does not want us to except defeat.  When we mess up, just look at it as: what does God want me to learn from this situation, and how do I make sure not to make the same mistake again?  I thought for many years the day I was going to stop learning was the day I died, but I now believe the day I die will be the day I start learning the things I cannot yet understand.  God’s vision is complete, ours is limited.  Consider your struggles as opportunities for wisdom and growth. Keep your focus on Christ.  He will not lead you astray!

P.S.  If there is anyone with experience removing stuck auger bits give me a call. :)

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