
Friday, August 23, 2019

Elder’s Corner: The Weeds & The Peppers

My garden has grown up with weeds these last few weeks as I haven't had time to give it the attention it needs. I took the mower and mowed the weeds where the cucumbers had been. As I was mowing I noticed the peppers had put on another big crop. I hate to say it but I picked a peck of peppers (not pickled, however). I also picked okra, and beans. One of my neighbors passed by and all he could see was the weeds from the road. He made the comment “Looks like you've given up on your garden.”
I thought how some people make the same mistake when they look at some people's lives. They look at them and all they see are the weeds (the bad choices, the addictions, the morality issues that surround them). These are the very people that Jesus looked at and saw past the weeds into the future and who they could become. (See John 4:7ff.)
We should be as wise in our discernment of how we view others. Yes, there may be some weeds hiding the true worth and productivity of that person. Maybe you could show them how valuable they could be.  Maybe at some point you've even had a few weeds in your life. Here's hoping you go check your neighborhood and find some real fruit (or did I mean vegetables). Your job is to cultivate people so the world will have less weeds and more flowers.

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