
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Christian Atheist #3: Lukewarm and Loving It

Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20 NASB).

As I write this article, our nation is facing a time of political and economic uncertainty as North Korea just fired a missile over Japan. Will this develop into a full scale war? Only God knows. However, some things that have been certain are the blessings and freedoms that we have enjoyed in this country.  We live in the richest large country in the world ( More than one third of the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day.  So while the average American worries about retirement several years down the road, a large percentage of the world worries about having enough to provide for today.

Clearly, God has blessed our country economically. With great wealth comes great responsibility to care for the less fortunate. And unfortunately, great wealth has a way of blinding us to our need for God. In Revelation 3:14-22, Jesus talked to the church in Laodicea. The people of Laodicea enjoyed many of the same blessings that we do as Americans. And they had become complacent/lukewarm in their walk with the Lord

Pastor Craig Groeschel listed 7 attributes of lukewarm Christians. They crave acceptance from people more than acceptance from God. (2) They rarely share their faith in Christ. (3) They tend to rationalize their sins. (4) They think more about life on earth than eternity in heaven. (5) They only turn to God when they need something. (6) They give whenever it’s convenient. (7) They are not much different from the rest of the world ( Do any of these describe you?

The Bible teaches that you can know a person by their fruit (Matt. 7:16).  It does not take very much consideration of the state of Christianity in our country to realize that many who claim to follow Christ have become complacent/lukewarm in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The sad thing is that many of us recognize this to be true, but deep down inside, we just don’t care. Thus, if we are honest, many of us are lukewarm and loving it.

The phrase “lukewarm Christian” is never found in the Bible. And the description that Jesus gives to those who are lukewarm (Rev. 3:15-17) is associated elsewhere with non-believers.  By now, some of you are probably thinking, “Matt, I don’t like this article.” And my response is, I don’t either! :)  Yet these are some of Jesus’s words to the church in America. And thankfully, He doesn’t stop there.

In Revelation 3:19-22ff, Jesus gives us a beautiful picture of what could be for us, even those of us who are lukewarm, if we simply repent, and allow Jesus to come into our lives as Scripture teaches. It is a life that is sold out for Jesus. “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). My friends, you and I have been greatly blessed, yet don’t allow these blessings to lead you away from the greatest blessings of all.

In His service,


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