
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Covenants #3: Take Me Down to the Paradise City

Yes, I used to be a big fan of the hard rock band “Guns & Roses.” I know, I’m probably going to hell because of that (just kidding)! :) While your idea and my idea of a paradise city might be two totally different things, yet who doesn’t like the idea of going to a paradise city, and even living there?
The Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived was a place of paradise. The New Testament describes Heaven as being very similar to that paradise (Rev. 2:7; 22:1-2, 14, 17). However, when Adam and Eve broke the covenant that God had with them, they were evicted from paradise (Gen. 3:24). And as a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, thorns and thistles, childbirth pains, toil, cancer, disease, etc., and even death entered the world. Thus, just as other people’s actions affect us today, so too did Adam and Eve’s actions make a difference on other people. But since they were the first individuals, their actions had even larger implications on the world. On account of them, we all await the same fate, physical death (Rom. 5:12). 
It does not take long to understand just how impactful the terms and conditions of the Adamic Covenant are upon the entire human race. Some will unnecessarily attempt to divide the covenant that God made with Adam and Eve prior to their committal of sin with the words that God speaks to them after they sinned. In reality, the words that God spoke to Adam and Eve after they sinned merely further explained to them their punishment for the violation of the covenant. However, the heart of the covenant remained. Adam and Eve, and all mankind for that matter, are given the privilege/obligation of being fruitful, multiplying, and filling the earth ultimately with people who will worship the One True God, and having dominion over all of creation (Gen. 1:26-28). 
The spirit of the law that Adam and Eve violated in the Garden is the same as that of the sins that people struggle with today. Adam and Eve’s sin involved 3 parts (Gen. 3:6; 1 John 2:16). First, the lust of the flesh as they saw that the forbidden fruit was good for food. This is the foundation of all sexual sins, gluttony, drug addictions, and narcissism. Second, the lust of the eyes as the forbidden fruit was a delight to one’s sight. The lust of the eyes is the foundation of all greed, selfishness, envy, and slothfulness. And third, the boastful pride of life as the forbidden fruit was able to make one wise. This is the foundation of all ungodly cravings for attention, position, authority, identity, and appreciation.
Therefore, by having an understanding of the Adamic Covenant helps us understand the origin of our own struggles with sin. But even greater still is understanding the promise that we get to enjoy in spite of our failure to keep the covenant. While it is true that all people die physically (Rom. 5:12), the eternal consequences of Adam and Eve’s actions, and our own for that matter, have been nullified on account of what Jesus did for all mankind on the cross (Rom. 5:17-18).  This is the promise that Adam and Eve received in the Garden (Gen. 3:15), and it is the promise that we have today.
Furthermore, one day the Bible promises that paradise will be restored. One commentator explained it in the following way. “When we look back to the Garden of Eden, we long for the restoration of its perfection, beauty, and peace. And God will not disappoint us.
He will restore Paradise to us, a much better Paradise than the Garden of Eden. In this Paradise Perfected—the new heaven and new earth—our Savior Jesus Christ is the Living Water, who gives eternal life to all. In this heavenly Jerusalem, He is the Tree of Life, who nourishes our body and soul forever.
In this holy city, John says Christ is the Light, giving the city its radiant glory, illuminating its perfection, beauty, and peace. It is a heavenly city whose builder and architect, Christ, came down from heaven to earth, to clothe it with His righteousness. Today there are still many tears shed because of this sin-infested world; so much loneliness, sickness, and death. But in Paradise Perfected, there will only be rejoicing.
God will dwell with us forever, and we will see our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ face to face. We will have perfect communion with Him. Do you want to be assured of eternal life in the holy city? Do you want to be healed of sin and death? Jesus invites you to drink from the Living Water and eat from the Tree of Life. By placing your faith in Him, you will have eternal life, and your souls will be nourished forever” (
 In His service,


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