
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Elder’s Corner: “Son, Do You Want A Spanking?”

A while back I was in a grocery store and I heard a distraught mom pose that question to her misbehaving son. I wondered what she thought he would say: “yes, please mom and make it a hard swat!” Well that's not what he said, and I think her question was to get him to consider the consequences of his actions.
The last six days of 70 degree plus weather reminded me that the Bible has much to say about taking care of plants, especially trees and vineyards (see John 15:1-8; Matt. 13:1-23). I recently returned from California where I drove by many orchards of orange trees that was loaded with fruit. The odd part was the branches had been machine pruned and the tree looked like a square cube sitting on top of the trunk. The owner of the orchard said they do that to stimulate new growth so the trees will bear more fruit. I also drove by several vineyards. It reminded me of the words of Jesus in John 15:1 and following. “I am the vine, and My father is the vine dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.”
So God needs to discipline or prune out the bad limbs in each of us at times for our own good. Just like pruning trees makes them stronger—letting God have control over our lives and giving Him permission to prune where and when needed makes us stronger. I'm sorry that sometimes He has so much work to do because I've been stubborn and let my branches get out of control. So sometimes we may need to ask the same question to God that the mother asked her son. “God, do I need a spanking (a pruning to make me more like You)?” God wants us to be productive citizens in His kingdom. Jesus said His father would be glorified, if you bear much fruit, and you would prove to be disciples of His (John 15:8). There seems to be a correlation between letting God discipline us and being His disciple.


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