
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Worldview #15: The Absolute Nature of Truth

What are you willing to do for your happiness? Is it God’s job to keep us happy? What do our prayers consist of — prayers centered on our happiness, or that God’s will be accomplished, regardless of our happiness? Believe it or not this thought process, called humanism, has infiltrated our brains 40+ years ago and has reduced God to a ‘self-help Genie’ who bows to our demands through which we can define our lives as we wish – including the acceptance of immoral practices. Paul warned us about this in Romans 1:21-22: They knew God. But they didn’t honor Him as God. They didn’t thank Him. Their thinking became worthless. Their foolish hearts became dark. They claimed to be wise. But they made fools of themselves.
Remember last month’s discussion about Jesus being the light, and shining into the darkness? And through this foolish thinking, we have allowed the idea of relative truth (or what’s true for you is not necessarily true for me) to creep into our thought process. Today, “nearly three out of four Americans say there is no such thing as ultimate or absolute truth. And the numbers don't look much better among those who claim to follow Jesus” (Lindy Keffer, Absolute Truth, available from http://www.focusonthe
If you want proof of absolute truth outside of Scripture, look at the world around us. Does the sun rise every day? Does it come up in the same location? Does 2+2=4 every time? Does gravity hold us in place? If truth was relative, these things and many more would not consistently hold true. And “the effects on civilization would be disastrous! Laws of science and physics would be irrelevant, and commerce would be impossible (see” Putting this into perspective, aren’t you grateful for absolute truth?
Lindy Keffer said, “Truth is powerful. It brings life. It has been here since the beginning, and it still exists today. Truth is available to all who seek it in the person of Jesus Christ. Even though our society tells us that it's narrow-minded to believe in ultimate truth, there is lots of evidence that declares we should run after it with all our hearts. Christ says the truth will set us free. And that promise is true for all time.”
I hope and pray that this article comes as a wake-up call to you as it has been to me. The father of lies has successfully twisted our concept of truth, and altered our perspective of God!! The ways of the world has crept into our hearts and has drawn us from our Creator, Father and Friend. John warned us of the implications of this thinking: Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him… And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever (1 John 2:15-17).
Thus, I encourage you to examine your thinking, and then take a knee before our God asking His forgiveness and for a purification of our minds and heart to His purpose. May we choose not to “live the way this world lives. Let your thinking be completely changed [by reading Scripture]. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what He wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect (Rom. 12:2).
In His service,

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