
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Worldview #13: What happened to the Dinosaurs (Part #2)

God commanded Noah “You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you” (Gen. 6:19).
Last month we considered evidence for the global flood that is discussed in Genesis chapters 6-9, referenced by Jesus and the Apostle Peter (Luke 17:27; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:5-6), recorded in different people groups’ legends on every inhabited continent, and scientifically verifiable through the fossil record. As a result of the flood many of the dinosaurs became extinct. However, Noah was commanded to take two of every kind of animal onto the ark, this would have included dinosaurs. Several passages validate the existence of dinosaurs after the flood (Job 40-41; Psa. 44:19; Isa. 14:29; 30:6; Jer. 9:11; 14:6; 49:33; 51:34; Mic. 1:8). This leaves us with several questions to consider.
First, how did Noah round up so many animals including dinosaurs? In Genesis 6:20 God told Noah that the animals would come to him. Thus, he did not have to round them up. Beyond that, consider two different factors that would have assisted the animals. At that time all of the continents were joined, creating, Pangaea; so all land animals could have traveled there on foot (The land split apart during the flood).  Another consideration is the amazing migration ability that animals have. Thus, God drew them to the ark.
Second, how did all of the animals fit onto the ark? There are multiple variables that address this question. First, God said that only two of every kind would come to the ark; not every variety. For example, only two dogs were needed to produce the variety of dogs that exist today. Second, the only stipulation of the animals that came was that they needed to be able to reproduce a year later when they came off the ark. And even the largest of animals are not that big during infancy in comparison. This meant that the average size of animal on the ark would have been about the size of a sheep. And third, the ark was an enormous boat (450’ long, 75’ wide, and 45’ high), being able to hold over 500 railroad box cars, each 8’ wide by 40’ long. Therefore, there was more than enough room.
Third, wouldn’t the predators have devoured the other animals? The Bible teaches that every creature (man and animal) was vegetarian until after coming off the ark (Gen. 1:30; 9:3). And it is likely that God caused the animals to go into a hibernation state while on the ark. This made everyone on board safe and sound.
The questions that we have briefly addressed this month can be asked in a similar way to us. Jesus says that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws them (John 6:44). So have you responded to His invitation to come? There is more than enough room in the Lord’s house, for He has prepared a place for all who will come (John 14:2).  Thus, are you a follower of Christ (John 14:6)? And are you resting in the security that is found only in Him (John 10:27-29)? 
 In His service,


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