
Monday, October 3, 2016

Worldview #13: What happened to the Dinosaurs (Part #1)

“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually...The Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them” (Gen. 6:5, 7).
For the past few months we have talked about how dinosaurs coexisted with mankind. This can be proven by considering the historical, archaeological, and Biblical evidences. Yet what happened to the dinosaurs?
 The answer can be found in the fossils. As you may know, “Fossil formation requires a sudden burial. When an animal dies, it usually gets eaten or decays until there is nothing left. To form a fossil, unique conditions are required to preserve the animal and replace it with minerals, etc.
While evolutionists once claimed that the fossil record was formed slowly as animals died and were gradually covered by sediment, they have recently acknowledged that it must involve catastrophic processes (D. Ager, The New Catastrophism). Now, evolutionists say the fossil record formed quickly as animals were quickly engulfed in sediment, in spurts interspersed by millions of years” (Ken Ham, https://answersin
We’ve examined what the evolutionists say, but what does the Word of God teach?  To answer this, we need to look at a world-wide event that started in Genesis chapter 6.  As noted in the opening passage, there was a time when everywhere God looked He saw evil in every man’s heart.  And since God is loving and just, He had to carry out justice on account of how immoral and wicked mankind had become. In the process, God destroyed much of the animal kingdom. The justice that God carried out on this wicked and immoral world was a global flood.
Evolutionists reject the idea of a global flood since it would require the supposed evolutionary process to begin again. However, there are several evidences which point to this historical event. First, there are billions of creatures which are fossilized all over the world. Fossilization requires quick burial, something rarely occurring today.  And to see fossils like this around the world, not just in areas highly prone to mudslides, volcanoes, etc.
The second piece of evidence for a global flood is fossils of sea creatures found high above sea level which can be observed on every continent. For example, most of the rock layers in the walls of the Grand Canyon contain marine fossils including at the rim of the canyon which is between 7,000-8,000 feet above sea level (R. L. Hopkins & K.L. Thompson, Kaibab Formation, p. 196-211). Also marine gastropods have been found near the highest point in the world of the Himalayas (J.P. Davidson, W.E. Reed, & P.M. Davis, “The Rise & Fall of Mountain Ranges,” in Exploring Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, p. 242–247). There is only one possible explanation: the ocean waters at some time in the past flooded the continents, reaching above even the highest mountain.  
The third piece of evidence for a global flood looks at flood legends which “abound on every inhabited continent. The number of legends has been reported as high as five hundred. Their similarities to Genesis indicate a common source. For example, legends from Assyrio-Babylonia, Asia Minor, China, India, Persia, and the Cherokee people of the United States tell of birds being sent out, often even specifying a dove and/or a raven. Several of them tell of a favored family, and in the vast majority, the flood was global. These and other similarities point to a very real, historical event” (AIG, Flood Legends From Around the World,
And the forth piece of evidence for a global flood is the Biblical record. Genesis chapters 6-9 give the details of the flood, how long it lasted, and why it took place. The New Testament writings also affirm the global flood taking place. Jesus affirmed that it took place. “In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:27 NLT). And so did the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 3:5-6).
Thus, when one considers the requirements of creating a fossil —rapid burial and a catastrophic event, the global flood may have been one of the reasons many of the dinosaurs to become extinct. Before the flood, dinosaurs freely roamed the earth. But due to man’s wickedness, God sent a global flood that destroyed all life that was not inside the ark. During the flood, many were buried in sediment that later hardened, thus giving us the fossils scientists now study.
Next month we will consider other factors, but for now, let us consider the lesson which the fossils testify about from their grave. Mankind, with the exception of those who were on the ark, experienced God’s justice on account of their immorality, and much of creation suffered through this judgment, namely many of the dinosaurs. One day, God’s justice will once again and finally be carried out on those who are not faithful followers of Christ, yet then it will not be by the waters of a flood but rather by fire (2 Peter 3:7). It is my prayer that you would be found safe in Christ on that day similar to how Noah was safe in the ark when the flood came.
In His service,

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