
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Elder’s Corner: Mowing in the Shade

Last week during one of those extremely hot days I found myself needing to mow the yard.  I had put it off several days hoping for rain.  I finally watered it and then in the 100+ heat index I was forced to mow.  I started in the front yard and made it around to the back yard where the big oak trees provide lots of shade.  It was so much cooler and even a slight breeze made it almost comfortable.  Each lap around the yard from front to back made me begin to question “why don't you just mow in the shade and leave the front yard not mowed?”  I was tempted to give up on the sweat producing hard work of getting the whole yard finished.  I began to make parallels between mowing and my spiritual walk.  
Sometimes in my spiritual walk I feel like I want to just stay in the shade where it is easier.  I hear words echoed by others “I've done my part, let someone younger do it” (and then I realize the battle isn't won in the shade and God never said anything about a retirement plan for the Christian life!)  He wants us to keep serving Him even during the difficult struggles of life.  And He did promise that He would be there to walk alongside us during those hot, non-shady times in our lives.  I take great strength from Deuteronomy 31:8 where Moses is encouraging Joshua to lead God's people into the Promised Land.  “And the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you.  Do not fear, or be dismayed.”  So my comment to you “Get out of that cushy, air conditioned, shady place of service and get back to the battlefield because God is not finished with you yet!”


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