
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Worldview #4: Research Proves Evolution True...

Yes, it is true that “Research proves evolution true BUT going the wrong way!” (Dr. Jerry Bergman, Mutations Debunk Darwin's Evolution, Seattle Creation Conference June 2013).  Webster defines evolution as “a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state.” This process of continuous change is thought to be a result of mutations. 
Ernst Mayr, professor at Harvard said: “Ultimately, all variation is due to mutation.” Geneticist and evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky said: “Mutation is the only source of raw materials...and hence, of evolution.” Therefore, it is frequently taught that mutations and natural selection are the means by which species are able to both create variations within a species (microevolution, for example the breeding of two dogs which creates a new breed of dogs) and create entirely new species (macroevolution, for example a change from a fish to a bird).
However, is this thought process concerning mutations scientific? In order for a mutation to create a new species (macroevolution) new information has to be added. Dr. Lee Spetner, professor at Johns Hopkins University said, All mutations “that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce genetic information and not to increase it” (Not By Chance, p. 138).  Thus, mutations do not create new information they only cause changes in the existing information.
Furthermore, “99.99% of all mutations are either harmful (like cancer) or what they call ‘near neutral.’ ‘Near neutral’ means that by themselves they don’t cause a problem but they add up” Dr. Jerry Bergman, Mutations Debunk Darwin's Evolution, Seattle Creation Conference June 2013).  An example of near neutral would be someone dying of old age. They really didn’t die from being old, but rather there were several health factors that added up to eventually kill the individual. This too points to mutations being harmful.  
The point behind saying all of this is that evolution teaches that through mutations and natural selection things are getting better. Meanwhile, observation science proves that things are not! This is exactly what the Bible confirms would happen. Originally, everything that was created was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). However, as a result of mankind’s disobedience, corruption, decay, disease, and death came into the world (Gen. 2:17; 3:1ff).  Yet thankfully, God promises to one day right the downward slope mankind has made. 
In His service,


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