
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Worldview #2: Doesn’t Evolution Disprove the Bible?

There is a common thought process in public schools, universities and much of society that evolution disproves the Bible, since the two are diametrically opposed. 

The Bible Says
Evolution Says
Creation was planned for a purpose.
Nature evolved by accident and chance.
Living things were made separately, each one after its kind.
All living things came from a single life-form by evolution.
Man was a special creation, different from the animals.
Man is just another animal, evolved from ape-like creatures.
God’s work of creation was finished in 6 days.
Evolution has continued to make new kinds of living things throughout time, and is still going on today.
Nature was created perfect but became spoiled because of Adam disobeyed God.
Nature is always growing better and more perfect by evolutionary change.[i]

So how does one deal with the obvious differences? I believe that the answer lies in the study of science! Science is “systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation” (

Darwin argued the evolution could be observed. He observed finches’ beaks changing to fit the conditions. If the conditions were dry, the finches would develop long beaks in order to get to their food supply. On the other hand, when there was a significant amount of rain, the finches’ beaks would shorten.

However, there are two problems with this example of evolution. First, if the conditions changed back, so would the finches’ beaks, thus, it was not a permanent change. Second and most importantly, the finches remained finches. This is NOT an example of a change of species; this is a change within its kind, something that the Bible does teach (Gen. 1:11-25). Just think about it, has a doctor ever come in and told a pregnant woman, congratulations, you just gave birth to a giraffe? That’s absurd, and everyone knows it! Therefore, I challenge anyone to find a single example of a living creature changing to a different species that can be observed!

Thus, Darwin’s observations did NOT verify evolution of one species from another. Instead, he actually proved the Bible where God commands each living creature to reproduce after its own kind, allowing for variations within a species, but not the evolution of new species.

A second scientific fact that must be considered concerning evolution pertains to life coming from non-living molecules. The scientific law of bio-genesis states that without exception, life always comes from life! The law of bio-genesis can be observed, repeated, verified, and is subject to experimentation (the qualities required for a law in science).

Evolutionists however, propose that small inorganic molecules combined to form amino acids then proteins and eventually living cells. Yet this has never even been observed, let alone repeated, verified, nor is it subject to experimentation! This point also disproves evolution in favor of the Bible in that it was not some accident that a few molecules came together to generate life.  Instead, there had to be a Creator to initiate life on earth.

Therefore, evolution does not fit into the category of science, since there has been no observation, verification, nor experimentation of evolution EVER taking place. However, evolution does fit nicely into the definition of a religion. It is a system of beliefs, which lacks scientific proof! The Bible on the other does teach creation which can be observed, verified, and is subject to experimentation!
In His service,


[i] E.H. Andrews, From Nothing to Nature: A Basic Guide to Evolution and Creation (Durham, England, 1997), p. 6.

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