
Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Blessed Life #16: Life Lines

The New Testament (NT) Church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). 
One of my favorite game shows is Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The trivia is fun (even though I don’t know 90% of the answers). It is interesting to consider the possibilities of what could be. And I love the life lines given to help with the difficult questions.
Life lines are not only available in game shows. God has blessed His faithful followers of Jesus Christ with life lines in real life. Therefore, this past month, we began something that the NT Church took advantage of to utilize the life lines mentioned in Acts 2:42ff, namely Life Groups. Life groups are basically small groups of people focused on doing the one thing that matters, life
Do you ever question what you are experiencing and how you are going to get through it? The reality is we all do. We might question how to deal with difficult people or struggles at work. We might question why certain things happen, and what our purpose is in life. The “apostles’ teaching” (aka Scripture) is the life line that gives us the answers to these questions and many others. Yet sometimes it can be challenging to comprehend exactly what God is telling us, which is why the NT Church studied Scripture together in small groups. Diana Bax, a life group member said, “I feel as if the study has given me a new under-standing of a purpose driven life: Why are we here? What plans does God have for my life? How can I serve others through my experiences (be it good or bad)? I feel more connected to the Bible study. Questions are being answered through group involvement. And it has been very eye opening to say the least.”  
The second life line that the NT Church took advantage of was fellowship. Samantha Miller was skeptical at first about life groups, “It’s not what I thought it would be...The camaraderie is fantastic.” Life Groups can be a lot of fun! Beyond that we all need encouragement from time to time. And this is where real, life-enriching relationships can form and develop. I have personally witnessed life group members being with others as they mourned the loss of a child, yet their biological family members were nowhere to be found. Life group member Alan McNeely said, “I am always encouraged when meeting with other brothers and sisters in Christ.” Again it is about helping you to do the one thing that matters, life.
A third life line that the NT Church took advantage of was helping others to jump the problems that came their way. This can take place by praying for one another that God would remove the struggle. And it can happen by personally being the answer to someone’s prayer. Life group member Cynthia Bible mentioned her group taking care of some of the hurting in our area just like the NT Church did.
Thus, I encourage you to take advantage of the life lines that are available to you here at ECC. Diana said, “I would encourage everyone to try it for a month and see what they can take from it.” God bless!
In His service,

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