Sunday, November 30, 2014

Elder’s Corner: Keeping Us in View

The other day I found a meditation which I would like to share with you. —Enrique

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Pro. 15:3)

A little boy was always getting into trouble in his Sunday School class. Finally, in exasperation, his teacher said to him, "I want you to know that God is watching you all the time. Even when I can't keep my eyes on you, God has His eyes on you. He's watching you. So you'd better straighten up."
The boy was terrified by the thought of God watching him all the time, like some great eye in the sky. After Sunday School, he told his parents, "The teacher said that God is watching me all the time." They could see that the thought terrified their son rather than bringing comfort to his heart. So his parents put it into proper context for him.
They said, "Yes, it's true that God is always watching you. But there's a reason for that. The truth is, He loves you so much that He just can't take His eyes off you."
Many times when we think of God watching us, what comes to mind are the seemingly omnipresent surveillance cameras we have in public places today. I knew someone who worked in a department store, and he showed me how these work. They are hidden in places where we tend to never look, and they can pretty much watch everyone. Most people don't even realize that in many public places, cameras are basically tracking them wherever they go.
So when we consider the fact that God is watching us, we might think, That's terrifying. But it all depends. If we are rebelling against the Lord, then the thought of His constant surveillance could be more than a little frightening.
But if our hearts are right with Him, then . . . what an incredible comfort! He never loses track of us, never misplaces our file, never takes His loving attention from us for even one moment. God is watching us, but He loves us so much that He can't take His eyes off us. We may lose sight of God, but He never loses sight of us.  Originally written by Greg Laurie, at  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Spiritual Reality #5: The Angel of the LORD

 “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” (Heb. 13:2)
The idea of mankind encountering an angel has inspired several books, TV shows and movies. In the Bible we find several such encounters: angels protecting the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis, angels giving messages to certain people and angels worshiping God in Revelation.
However, there is one Angel who is clouded in mystery and has generated much debate about who He is. This is angels is known by a few different phrases “The Angel of the LORD” (used 56 times in the OT) “The Angel of God” (used 9 times in the OT), and a few select others (see Gen. 18:1ff; 32:24-32; Josh. 5:14-15; etc.).
A careful examination of these passages reveal several clues as to the identity of this mysterious individual. The first clue to consider is the Angel’s activity. At times, this Angel acts as a mediator between sinful man and the righteous God (Zech. 1:9-17). Yet, Scripture says, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5).
A second clue from this Angel’s activity relates to how He is found defending God’s people while acting as the supreme Judge, carrying out punishment upon those who have refused to repent of their sins (2 Sam. 24:16-16; Zech. 12:8; 2 Kings 19:35). This is a role which Scripture gives to Jesus (John 9:39; Rev. 19:11-21).
Third, this Angel has the authority to forgive sins (Ex. 23:20-21; Num. 22:34-35; Isa. 6:5-6; Zech. 3:4). Only someone who is God has this authority—not any saint, priest, pope or normal angel can do this according to Scripture (Mark 2:7).  Similarly, fourth, the Angel was declared to be the Savior (Gen. 48:15-16; Isa. 63:9). The One true God is the only Savior (Acts 4:10-12).
Fifth, the Angel of the Lord received worship (Gen. 16:13; 31:13; Judges 6:21-23; 13:23). This is something that clearly separates “The Angel of the Lord” from all the other angels mentioned in Scripture. After an angel had shown the Apostle John the visions contained in the book of Revelation, John fell down on his knees to worship that angel. However, immediately that angel rebuked John by saying, “No, don’t do anything like that. I, too, am a servant of Jesus as you are, and as your brothers the prophets are, as well as all those who heed the truth stated in this book. Worship God alone" (Rev. 22:9 TLB). Yet the Angel of the LORD never rebuked people for worshiping Him; that points to Him being more than just a mere angel.  
Sixth, the Angel is called God (Gen. 16:10; 32:30; Hos. 12:3-5). Seventh the Angel claimed to be God (Gen. 22:12; 31:11-13; Judges 6:22; 13:21-22). Similarly eighth, the Angel claimed to be Yahweh/Jehovah (Ex. 3:2-6; Judges 2:1-5; 6:11-16).
Lastly, the NT identifies the Angel whom Isaiah encountered (Isa. 6:1-5) as Jesus Christ Himself (John 12:37-41). Additionally, some translations of Galatians 3:17 (KJV, NKJV) affirm that God’s covenant with His chosen people was confirmed in the OT by Christ. All of these things point to Jesus being physically present throughout the OT era.
Some might question how the Angel of the LORD can be God Himself when Scripture says that “No one has seen God...” (John 1:18a). The answer is given by simply reading what the remainder of the verse says: “...but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known” (John 1:18b). In other words, when Scripture states that no one has ever seen God, it is in reference to God the Father. Yet through Jesus Christ the Father has been revealed (John 14:7-11).
So why is it important to recognize that the Angel of the Lord s Jesus? It is important because it shows God’s close, personal and loving hand guiding the history of mankind towards the great plan of salvation. He is not a distant being without care for His creation. The great theologian John Calvin wrote, “For even though He was not yet clothed with flesh, He came down, so to speak, as an intermediary, in order to approach believers more intimately” (
Furthermore, as one considers the Angel of the Lord in the OT passages they find a foretaste of what Jesus would do during His 33 years on this planet as a man: from His birth to His ascension back into heaven. And likewise it is a picture of the foretaste that we as believers have now through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Then one day we, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, will see Him face to face and be with Him for eternity. And from now on may we see throughout the Bible what Jesus revealed to the two men on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection: the entire Bible revealing and reuniting mankind to Jesus (Luke 24:27).
In His service,


The Blessed Life #11: The Incarnation

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish” (John 1:14 MSG).

December tends to be one of the busiest months of the year for most people. Businesses are frantically working to have all their merchandise available for us last minute Christmas shoppers. Elsewhere, people are picking out the perfect Christmas trees and decorating their houses. Meanwhile, people virtually across the globe will set aside their normal routines to go to Christmas parties, attend church services, sing Christmas songs, watch Christmas TV specials, and travel long distances to be with those whom you love.
I’ll admit, I love this time of year. I love the holiday delights. I love the joyous spirit which many people tend to have during these few weeks. And I love being able to spend time with my family members.
However, sometimes, the holidays are not quite so pleasant. Maybe you have gone through a difficult year: you have lost a job or some of your physical abilities. Or maybe you have lost a loved one. Or maybe the holidays have a way of reminding you of individuals who have passed away. Or maybe you are not looking forward to seeing certain individuals in your family that you will soon come in contact with.
Yet regardless of whether you are on a mountain top of joy or in the valley of despair, we all need to have an understanding of the real reason for the season. Rick Warren the author of the Purpose Driven Life said, “Right now there’s nothing more important for you to understand than the implications of Christmas for your life” (The Purpose of Christmas, p. 7). 
The real reason for the season is Jesus, God with us. It is about celebrating the incarnation: God coming to earth as a Man, in the form of a Baby lying in manger. One theologian explained the significance of the incarnation in the following way. “When Jesus came to this earth men saw in Him the splendor of God, and at the heart of that splendor was love. When Jesus came to this earth, men saw the wonder of God, and the wonder was love. They saw that God's glory and God's love were one and the same thing. The glory of God is not that of a (dictator type) eastern tyrant, but the splendor of love before which we fall not in abject terror but lost in wonder, love and praise” (Barclay, Daily Study Bible).
The incarnation is about God being always with us. It is about Jesus coming to earth, living the perfect life, and dying for our sins, so that we might have an eternal relationship with the One who will never leave us nor abandon us (Heb. 13:5). He is always with us who have received Him as Lord of our lives. 
He is with us when our boss is a jerk. He is with us when our baby is crying and we are having a hard time just to get out of bed. He is with us when we are having marriage problems. He is with us when family members get sick, and die.
He is with even when we are angry at Him for allowing certain things to happen. He is with us when we are struggling to trust Him. He is with us when we just don’t know what to do. He is with us as we are lying in the ICU and the doctors don't know what to do. And even when we take our last breath, He is with us.
So no matter how high or low in life we find ourselves, we as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, are never alone. He is with us just as He declared, “Surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20b NASB). That is the promise which the birth of Christ, the incarnation, reminds us of. May we never forget it; He is with us.
Because of His love,


Monday, November 3, 2014

Elder’s Corner: Your Net Worth

Have you ever considered what your worth?  If someone had to come up with a value for your life, what would the answer be?   Most of us would think instantly to money: assets, cash on hand, credit available, etc.  The bottom line though is your stuff is only worth what someone else will pay.  The same goes for you,  your life is only worth what someone is willing to pay.  
Your Creator bought you with the life of His Son.  Don't forget to thank Him today and don't forget that people are more valuable than anything you can own.  Christ Loves you!!  
Have a wonderful day.

The Spiritual Reality #4: Angels in the Outfield

All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God” (Rev. 7:11). 

Our society tends to be fascinated with the topic of angels. Just consider all of the movies, TV shows, books, collectables and more that have something to do with angels. Oftentimes, I discover when talking with others, that there is an incorrect understanding about angels. Some want to deny their existence, however, this goes contrary to both the evidence of the spiritual reality that we have been examining over the last 3 months and the arguments from Scripture. On the other hand, most people in society do believe in their existence. While some elevate them to a god-like stance, although we are commanded not to worship them (Rev. 22:8-9). Even still most do not comprehend just how amazing these creatures are and the role they play in our lives.
The more we study these heavenly beings through Scriptural accounts, the greater we will adore the very God who created them.
Let’s begin with a Biblical definition for angels. Angels are created spiritual beings, whom Jesus created, and they are meant to serve God (Neh. 9:2; Ps. 148:2-5; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:14). They were created either on the first or third day of creation. This conclusion is made by examining the Lord’s words to Job when He said that the angels “shouted for joy” in response to God’s wonderful work in creation (Job 38:4-7).  Likewise, this passage states that they rejoiced when God laid the foundations of the earth, which could be a reference to day 1, when God made the earth; or a reference to day 3, when God made the dry land. 
Angels reveal God’s strength.  Scripture says that they “excel in strength” (Psalm 103:20).  They are “innumerable” in number (Heb. 12:22). Angels are immortal (Luke 20:36), highly intelligent (2 Cor. 11:3)and yet not all knowing (1 Peter 1:12). (Generally, they remain invisible, yet can become visible at certain times (Num. 22:31; 2 Kings 6:17; Luke 2:13). Yet as amazing as they are, God is greater (Psalm 148:5)!  
Angels can make limited freewill decisions (2 Peter 2:4). Unfortunately, some chose to sin without the option to return to God once they sinned (Jude 6). Keeping with this thought process of angels choosing to sin, it is important to note that angels do not marry (Matt. 22:30).  The importance of this fact contradicts the false teaching that they somehow married people and thus reproduced a mixed race or an alien offspring (see for more details concerning this topic).
Angels’ limited freewill points us to the mercy that the Lord has for us. During this lifetime, regardless of what we have done, God is still willing to forgive us (1 John 1:9). Yet Jesus only died for mankind (1 Cor. 15:21-22, 45-47).  Even still, angels are incredibly interested in our salvation. Roger Ellsworth in his book about angels comments at length concerning their desire to study salvation. “Perhaps they study salvation out of amazement that God could love those who had so grievously sinned against Him and were, therefore, deserving of nothing but His wrath.”
Ellsworth goes on to say, “Perhaps the unfallen angels study salvation out of amazement that the Prince of Glory, the eternal Son of God, would stoop so low as to take unto Himself the humanity of sinners, and in that humanity would suffer the hostility of sinners and die on a Roman cross. Perhaps they study out of amazement at the peace and joy of those who have received it...Or perhaps they are interested in the salvation that is available to mankind because it brings glory to God.
If God’s mighty, immortal and faithful ones (the angels) stand in awe of the plan of salvation, how much more should those who are weak, dying, and sinful. If angels, who have never experienced salvation, are so keenly interested in it, how much greater should be the interest of those who have experienced it!” (Ellsworth, What the Bible Teaches About Angels, pgs. 100-101).
Therefore, it is my prayer, that over the next several months as we consider the topic of angels that your relationship with the Lord will grow deeper, as you consider the God who created them!
Because of God’s love,


The Spiritual Reality: ET Phone Home

For many of us ever since we saw the movie ET back in the 1980s or the remake of it in 2002, we’ve had a curiosity with beings who are not of this world. In fact, if you were to do an internet search or just turn on the TV, it wouldn’t take you long to find something which has to do with the extra-terrestrial. It seems like there are tons of movies about these creatures from Independence Day, Aliens, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Star Wars, Star Trek, and tons of others.
Add to the movies, the supposed government cover-ups, the various individuals claiming to have been abducted by aliens or seen UFO; these things seem to be common place. NASA has committed $100 million to a formal mission-the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”[i] And this organization by itself known as (SETI), is planning on spending $5 million over the next 2 years looking for aliens.[ii] Thus, when one considers these things and the vastness of our universe, it would be very easy to believe that we are not alone in this universe.
Are they real? Do they exist? If they exist where did they come from? Do they offer us any possible cures for the problems which we experience here on this planet? Most of all, is there any truth to this? What does the Bible have to say about the topic of aliens?
Now, I would probably guess that a few of you may have hard time with even thinking about the topic of aliens. Maybe even you laughed inside or had some cynical thoughts about this topic.
However, when you fully understand the ramifications of what we will be talking about, those sought of negative thoughts should never again exist. And if you have an open mind, I assure you that you will find very practical application behind the answer to this topic by the time we are through this morning. In order to do a proper analysis of this question concerning the existence of aliens, 4 primary questions must be addressed.

First, what does the teaching of Scripture say concerning the existence of aliens?

An internet search will reveal approximately 34 passages pertaining to aliens. The most common reference has nothing to do with the extraterrestrial rather it is using the term alien just like how we do at times when speaking of a foreigner living in your midst (Chinese, Italian, or a Canadian). We as Christians are consider aliens in this same likeness since our true home is not of this world (1 Peter 1:1).
A few other verses are referenced in Ezekiel and Revelation. However, these books are written in a writing style known as apocalyptic literature. Apocalyptic literature extensively uses of symbols, signs and metaphors. It was common during periods of exile to give glimpses of a promised future deliverance instilling hope and perseverance in light of their present dangers and/or oppressions.
However, when you discount all of these and the few others which are clearly speaking of the spiritual reality, all one is left to question is primarily one Hebrew word: the Nephilim. Who are the Nephilim?
The Nephilim appear only in Genesis 6 and Numbers 13. In Genesis 6:4 we read, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
Throughout Genesis chapter 6 we see as a result of what was happening, God decided to destroy the world with the Flood. If these Nephilim are fallen angels then we have possible Biblical support for the existence of aliens. And this is exactly what several theologians believe and teach. Think about what I just said. There are big name theologians, TV evangelists, college professors and churches which hold to this belief. Therefore, for a person to question their existence is very rational.
The reason that these individuals believe that these Nephilim are fallen angels and that from them we have support for the existence of aliens comes from 2 reasons. First Genesis 6:4 tells us that they were the result of “the sons of God” and the daughters of men. There are a couple of places in the Bible which do refer to angels as “the sons of God” (Job 1:6-7; 2:1-2; 38:4-7; Psa. 29:1; 89:6).
The second reason why some theologians believe that these Nephilim are referring to fallen angels comes from 1 Enoch 69:4 and 5. The book of 1 Enoch is a part of something known as the Pseudepigrapha. The word Pseudepigrapha means false writings. These writings are a farce at best (see I’m not aware of any group which accepts these false writings as Scripture.
So let’s consider the argument that the Nephilim are fallen angels and that’s where we get the aliens from. There are three problems with this view that fallen angels got married to women and had sexual relationships with them.
First, when the phrase “the sons of God” refers to angels it is always point towards angels which are not fallen.
Second, the word Nephilim literally means “the falling ones.” When one studies the various passages where this concept is conveyed its meaning becomes clear.
*Judges 8:21—Zebah and Zalmuna asked Gideon to fall on/kill them
*1 Sam. 31:4—Saul fell on his sword committing suicide (1 Chr. 10:4)
*1 Sam. 31:5—Saul’s armor bearer likewise fell on his sword committing suicide (1 Chr. 10:5)
         * 2 Sam. 17:12—Hushai attempted to lead an entire army to fall on/kill David
* 1 Kings 2:25, 29—Benaiah was commanded to go fall on/kill Joab
* 1 Kings 2:46—Benaiah was commanded to go fall on/kill Shimei
* Isa. 53:6—the justice/retribution which was do us on account of our sins literally fell on Jesus
From each one of these references the idea that is conveyed is that of murderer, to commit acts of violence, etc. These Nephilim were known for just that. Genesis 6:11 says that the earth was filled with violence. Thus, to call someone a Nephilim would be the same as calling someone a murderer or a violent individual. It’s not talking about aliens.
Furthermore, third, the strongest case proving beyond a shadow of doubt that these are not angels comes from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus plainly teaches in Matthew 22:30 that angels do NOT marry. Yet Genesis 6:2 states that these “sons of God” married the daughters of men. I just going to be pretty direct, to say that Jesus is wrong is absurd! Jesus is God. He knows what He is talking about. Thus, these Nephilim are NOT fallen angels of any sort regardless of what theologian or church holds to this belief.
I want to make something very clear though. When you consider the sheer numbers of people who hold to this idea, it would be super easy to drift into believing the same thing. However, that doesn’t change the truth. According to Jesus, these Nephilim are not fallen angels. Therefore, the Bible does not have a single verse teaching the existence of aliens.
On a side note, who are “the sons of God” that Genesis 6:4 is talking about? The same thing that the phrase “the sons of God” usually means in the Bible, it’s talking about believers (Deut. 14:1, 32:5; Psalms 73:15; Isa. 43:6; Hos. 1:10, 11:1; Matt. 5:9; Luke 3:38; Rom. 8:14; Gal. 3:26; 1 John 3:1-2, 10 ("Daughters of men" were sinful women, probably from the wicked line of Cain, while the "Sons of God" were Sethites). Thus, the reason which led to the world’s immorality that resulted in the Flood was believers marrying non-believers. Scripture clearly warns about not being unequally yoked (2 Cor. 6:14) for this very reason; there is an extremely high chance that you will be led astray.

Second, what does the plan of redemption teaches us about aliens?

This is a theological question. If these intelligent beings from another world exist, can they be saved? The Answers in Genesis organization explains the dilemma like this. “If there are intelligent beings on other planets, then they would have been affected by the fall of Adam because the whole creation was affected. So these beings would have to die because death was the penalty for sin. One day their planet will be destroyed by fire during God’s final judgment, but they cannot have salvation because that blessing is given only to humans.”[iii]
Plus, as Ken Ham goes on to say, “Jesus didn’t become a “God-Klingon,” a “God-Vulcan,” or a “God-Cardassian”—He became the God-man. It wouldn’t make sense theologically for there to be other intelligent, physical beings who suffer because of Adam’s sin but cannot be saved. [iv]  So, the next time you hear someone talking about UFOs and aliens: consider the theological ramifications behind it.
1 Corinthians 15:21 says, “So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another Man.  Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.” Again I want to stress the fact that a lot of churches, Bible Colleges and Christians hold to the existence of aliens; so it is very to understand why anyone could start to believe the same as well. However, whether it lines up with the truth found in God’s Word, and third what the universe itself reveals to us another question. But the point is, do not be led astray.

Third, what does the universe reveal about their existence?

The core of our society, in other words the people who write the text books which our kids use, the college professor which teach the next generation of leaders, and our media want us to believe in the existence of the extra terrestrial. Realizing this truth brings us again to the conclusion of how easy it would be to believe in the existence of the extraterrestrial.
But why do all of these highly educated individuals in our society believe and teach the existence of aliens? Simple, if there is life out there then God existence is thrown into serious question. Granted it doesn’t completely rule out His existence, but it definitely makes a lot of things which the Bible teaches concerning creation, questionable.
It is for reasons like this that atheist Carl Sagan back in the 1980s popularized the idea that there MUST be intelligent life in outer space.2 From an evolutionary perspective, it would make sense to suggest such a possibility. People who believe this possibility contend that if life evolved on earth by natural processes, then intelligent life MUST exist somewhere else in the far reaches of space, given the size of the universe and the millions of possible planets.
This would naturally be seen as a validation of evolution. One could conceivably think about the endlessly possibilities of intelligent life in outer space. Again this would bring us to how easy it would be to believe in their existence. However, the Bible and the universe do not reveal that? Consider the following.
Scripture teaches that the earth is center stage; that is what is shown in the Genesis creation narrative. So why would God create such a vast universe if it is only for those on the planet Earth? Genesis 1:14 tells us that everything apart from earth was made for purposes relating to the earth. For instance, the sun, moon, and stars were made to “serve as signs to mark seasons, and for days, and years.” Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” The earth is unique; we may not completely understand everything about it, but it is the case.
Isaiah 45:18 teaches that God designed the earth alone for life. The other planets have an entirely different purpose than does the earth, and thus, they are designed differently. So far, based on man’s limited exploration of space and the solar system, this certainly holds true.[v] Remember people who hold to evolution want you to believe that there is tons of life out there. Consider the following.
If the percentage of oxygen on earth was slightly higher fires would spontaneously erupt; slightly lower, we’d suffocate. If the gravitational force were changed by the amount on the screen, the sun would not exist, and neither would we. If the earth’s tilt was slightly different or if the distance to the sun was altered, life would not be possible. Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross cited 122 characteristics about our universe that are finely-tuned to allow life to exist; if any one of these were altered ever so slightly, life would not exist.
The odds of this happening on any one planet are one in 10138 that’s one chance in one with 138 zeros following it.[vi] In other words, the world just as the Bible says, is an extremely unique place. Again I want to stress, our society is seeking to indoctrinate us with evolution type thinking, but we cannot allow it to subtly lead us astray.
Likewise, as Jason Lisle with Answers in Genesis states, “So far, no one has discovered life on other planets or detected any radio signals from intelligent aliens. This is certainly what a biblical creationist would expect. Secular astronomers continue to search for life on other worlds, but they have found only rocks and inanimate matter. Their radio searches are met with silence. The real world is the biblical world—a universe designed by God with the earth at the spiritual focal point, not an evolutionary universe teeming with life.
When it comes to extraterrestrial life, science is diametrically opposed to the evolutionary mentality. We currently have no evidence of alien life-forms. This problem is not lost on the secular scientists. It has been said that the atomic scientist Enrico Fermi was once discussing the topic of extraterrestrial life when he asked the profound question, “Where is everybody?”
We have seen that the earth is designed for life. With its oceans of liquid water, a protective atmosphere containing abundant free oxygen, and a distance from the sun that is just right for life, earth was certainly designed by God to be inhabited. But the other planets of the universe were not. From the sulfuric acid clouds of Venus to the frozen wasteland of Pluto, the other worlds of our solar system are beautiful and diverse, but they are not designed for life.[vii]
The earth is very special place just like the Bible teaches. We may not completely understand why God has created such a vast universe and only chosen to have one little planet inhabited. But that is what Scripture reveals and that is what the evidence found in our universe shows.

Lastly, fourth, what is the evidence supporting the claim that they exist?

This brings us to the possible cover ups, Roswell, NM, Area 51, possible UFO sightings and alien abductions. One writer said, “Many UFO enthusiasts spread the “urban myth” of secret U.S. government experiments on aliens, etc.—an idea reinforced by the movie Independence Day.  However, does a cover-up make sense when, under the inspiration of atheists like the late Carl Sagan, the U.S. government has spent millions of taxpayers' dollars listening “out there” for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life?
Many other evolutionary humanists, like Sagan, passionately believe that intelligent life has evolved “out there” in addition to earth, and would pounce on any hard evidence for this idea. Consider the media frenzy about the “life in Mars rock” fiasco. To imagine that a much more exciting discovery would be kept secret for decades defies credibility.[viii]
Remember what I said earlier, NASA has committed $100 million to a formal mission-the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence-but so far, no word has come from out there"[ix] Now I do believe in UFOs, unidentified flying objects. But that’s just it—an object seen in the sky that is unidentified by the person seeing it. It is unrealistic to ask someone to interpret undocumented second or third hand stories with no actual evidence available for inspection. There is no doubt that some people sincerely have seen things in the sky that they do not understand.
Remember that we always interpret evidence in light of our worldview. It is therefore crucial to have a correct, Biblical worldview. Our society wants to indoctrinate us with an atheist, evolutionary worldview. They even want their views to permeate the church and they have succeeded among a large number churches. Thus, some theologians have gone looking for any shred of possible evidence in the Bible supporting what society teaches; that my friends, is the works of the devil. He wants to lead us astray however he can.
It is for this reason that what God has to say about the existence of the extra terrestrial comes from 1 John 4:1. “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Therefore, even though I do not blame a person for wanting to believe in the existence of aliens. Its teaching is throughout our society. However, may we not be lead astray.

[i] Victoria Pope, "Is There Life on Other Planets?," August 25, 1997
[iii] Answers in Genesis, “Do I Believe in UFOs? Absolutely!” by Ken Ham; available from; Internet; accessed 10 February 2014.
[iv] Answers in Genesis, “Do I Believe in UFOs? Absolutely!” by Ken Ham; available from; Internet; accessed 10 February 2014.
[v] Answers in Genesis, “Do I Believe in UFOs? Absolutely!” by Ken Ham; available from; Internet; accessed 10 February 2014.
[vi] Hugh Ross, Why I Believe in Divine Creation, p. 138-141
[vii] Answers in Genesis, “The Bible and Modern Astrology: Part 2” by Jason Lisle; available from; Internet; accessed 10 February 2014.
[viii] Answers in Genesis, “Are We Alone, or Is There Life Elsewhere in the Universe?” by Werner Gitt; available from; Internet; accessed 13 February 2014.
[ix] Victoria Pope, "Is There Life on Other Planets?," August 25, 1997

UFO Sightings
The Roswell Incident—July 1947
Military officials checked out debris from a supposed UFO crash outside of Roswell, New Mexico. The government initially announced that they had captured a flying saucer. A few hours later they changed the story and said it was a weather balloon.
Washington, D.C., Sightings—July 1952
One of the largest number of reported sightings (in the hundreds) occurred in the Washington, D.C., area. According to reports, the blips on the radar were traveling close to 100 m.p.h. and could gain speeds up to 7,200 m.p.h.
Officials said these sightings were a result of “temperature inversions,” which caused ground lights to bounce from the clouds and give the appearance of lighted objects in the sky.
Swamp Gas Sightings—October 1966
Local officials reported fast-moving disc-shaped objects in southeastern Michigan. A UFO expert investigated the sighting and dismissed it as “swamp gas.”
Phoenix Lights—March 13, 1997
Thousands of eyewitnesses reported seeing UFO’s flying over Phoenix. Referred to as the “Phoenix Lights,” these objects were also witnessed in at least five other cities. An investigation by U.S. Air Force personnel said the UFOs were a result of flares being dropped from an A-10 “Warthog.”
Answers in Genesis, “Do I Believe in UFOs? Absolutely!” by Ken Ham; available from; Internet; accessed 10 February 2014.

The Blessed Life #10: A Lot to Be Thankful For

God’s promises are yes and Amen (so be it) to us who are faithful followers of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20). Meaning, what God promises He will fulfill. This is an amazing thing for us to be thankful for! On the other hand, it is so easy to listen to the news and find it hard to be thankful (the Ferguson unrest, the battle against ISIS, the Ebola crisis, natural disasters hitting various parts of our country and world, etc). Yet when we take and turn our attention to the promises of God our outlook changes!    
The original settlers of our nation looked to some of these promises and were able to have an attitude of gratitude. One passage that was particularly dear to the pilgrims was Psalm 107. In this Psalm, we find 5 reasons to be thankful.
First, God provides homes for the homeless (107:1-9). The Puritan pilgrims had been driven from their homes and were virtually hounded from place to place, but finally were able to set sail for a land that they could call home. The majority of us can be thankful for not experiencing homelessness or such unrest. On the other hand, “Apart from God we are like the prodigal son, who left his father's home to squander his substance in a far country” (Boice, Psalms Vol.3, p. 866). Yet the moment that we turn to the Father through Jesus Christ (John 14:6), we are blessed with an eternal home (John 14:2).
Second, God delivers us from oppression to freedom (107:10-16). The 16th century Governor William Bradford told of how the pilgrims were hunted and persecuted on every side. Some were taken and locked up in prison, others had their houses staked out night and day, and hardly escaped their enemies' hands; and the most were forced to flee, leaving their houses and habitations, and the means of their livelihood (Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, p. 10). Yet even still these individuals eventually made it to the land of the free. All of us go through periods or even seasons of oppression from time to time. Spiritually, every person was bound by the wages of their sins; yet when we receive Christ, He frees us from guilt, shame, and condemnation; and He grants us His favor (Luke 4:18-19).
Third, God delivers us from sickness to health (107:17-22). Most of the original pilgrims did not survive the trip across the ocean and the first winter, yet some did. And those individuals were extremely thankful that they did. Scripture teaches that the road to life is narrow and only a few find it (Matt. 7:14). Yet for those who do, they are blessed with deliverance from all physical aliments (Rev. 21:4). This is something that we who have a present active trust in Christ for our salvation can be thankful for (John 10:27-28).
Fourth, God delivers us from danger to safety (107:23-32). Can you imagine being out on those waters over a thousand miles from land as storms brewed on the horizon? It is hard to conceive what it must have been like for the Pilgrims to cross the Atlantic in a boat built back in the 1600s, with poor navigations skills. Yet God delivered them to the safety of dry land. Some of us have probably weathered floods, tornados, or earthquakes, etc. On the other hand, almost all people have gone through various storms like financial problems, health troubles, or a family crisis. Yet for us as Christians, God promises to still the storms when we call on Him. Sometimes He does this by literally calming the torrents of life, while other times He calms us by His presence through it all. Either way He delivers us.    
And fifth, God delivers us from trials to triumph (107:33-43). Even after all that the Pilgrims had gone through, their trials were not over. They experienced wars with the Indians, crops that failed, and sicknesses that returned. Yet through it all, God enabled them to survive. Whatever our trials maybe, we as Christians can know for a fact that God will work it out for our good (Rom. 8:28). The promises of God are yes and amen in Jesus Christ. Therefore, may we “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1).
In His service,