
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Elder’s Corner: Trees in all the wrong places!

I didn't get my pre-emergent herbicide spread on my asparagus bed soon enough this year.  So yesterday I was spending the extra time to pull weeds out to let the vegetable grow.  As I was pulling weeds I noticed several tiny evergreen trees were also growing.  I hadn't planted them there, but fifty feet away is an evergreen tree.  Then I remembered this verse: Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant.  And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit.  The seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.”  And so it was.  The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind.  And God saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:11-12 NLT).  This was part of the creation which happened on the third day. 
So I started thinking again about a question I was asked by someone “What's the purpose of a disciple?”   This illustration from God's creation story helped me answer that question.  One of the main purposes of a disciple is to make other disciples.  If even trees and plants know that their purpose (God gave them that purpose) is to propagate other trees and plants shouldn't disciples (followers of Jesus) know that their main purpose is to help others be like Jesus.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Worldview #9: Science Proves a Young Earth Part #2

A key component to the theory of evolution is time. The common teaching of evolution requires the assumption that everything evolved ever so slowly over billions of years. Unfortunately, this thought process has been indoctrinated into our minds through the public school system, secular universities, and the media. Just turn on the Science Channel and you will hear comments about billions of years. Yet where is the birth certificate stating exactly how old our universe is? One will not find such information since no one was there in the beginning to tell us how old the universe is (except God).
Thankfully though, apart from the Bible we can find clues pointing to the age of the earth. Last month we discussed three clues pointing to a young earth and this month we will consider a couple more.
One of the strongest arguments pointing towards a young earth is the rapidly decaying magnetic field.  Dr. Andrew A. Snelling who has a PhD in geology explains this scientific fact. “The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that protects living things from solar radiation. Without it, life could not exist. That’s why scientists were surprised to discover that the field is quickly wearing down. At the current rate, the field and thus the earth could be no older than 20,000 years old” (For more information see This is significantly less than the billions of years that is widely propagated by evolutionists.
A second argument that points towards a young earth is helium in radioactive rocks. During the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium contained in rocks, lots of helium is produced. Because helium is the second lightest element and a noble gas—meaning it does not combine with other atoms—it readily leaks out (diffusion) and eventually escapes into the atmosphere. The fact that so much helium is still there means they cannot be 1.5 billion years old, as uranium-lead dating suggests. Indeed, using the measured rate of helium leakage, these pre-Flood rocks have an average “diffusion age” of only 6,000 (± 2,000) years (for more information see
I’m sure that some of you might be wondering why I am going to such depths concerning the age of the earth. Does it really matter? It all comes down to worldview. At the core of billions of years is the ideology of evolution and atheism. Therefore, it is of greatest significance since we are allowing ourselves and our kids to be indoctrinated with a worldview that is false and destructive as it subtly leads people away from the Lord.
In His service,


Man, The Image of God #5: What in the World Am I Here for (Part 6)?—At the End of the Day

Jesus said to His followers, “Go everywhere in the world and tell the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15 NCV).
As Christians, we are blessed and highly favored. We are blessed by God’s presence, love, grace, wisdom, strength, and hope. Likewise, we are blessed by other followers of Jesus who can help us along the way. We have a lot to be thankful for. I wonder, have you ever thanked those who had an influence in you becoming a Christian?
Jesus commands us believers to share the Good News with others who do not know; in this our lives find purpose and meaning. But unfortunately, many in our world have not received the blessings that we as Christians have. There are 2 billion people alive today who have seldom if ever heard the name of Jesus. Of these, 70,000 people die every day without Christ. Of all the full-time Christian workers, only 5% are working among these unreached people groups. And only 1% of the money given to Christian causes actually goes to reaching these people with the hope of Jesus Christ.
Why do these statistics exist? The reason relates to the two different classes of Christians. “You will either be a world-class Christian or a worldly Christian” (Paul Borthwick, A Mind for Missions). Rick Warren contrasts these two groups in the following way. “Worldly Christians look to God primarily for personal fulfillment. They are saved, but self-centered. They may love to attend concerts and enrichment seminars, but you would never find them at a missions’ conference because they aren’t interested. Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness. It’s a ‘me-first’ faith: how can God make my life more comfortable? They want to use God for their purposes instead of being used for His purposes” Purpose Driven Life, p. 297).
Frequently, when you talk with worldly Christians about sending missionaries and/or financial resources to help those who have never even heard the Good News of Jesus, they will point to people here who are not yet Christians even though they have heard the message numerous times. In our country it is virtually impossible not to hear the message numerous times from the churches & radios that are in almost every town, from various TV programs, holidays, etc. In this, worldly Christians selfishly refuse to consider those who are lost and have very few going to serve them.
When the early church began carrying out the Great Commission in Jerusalem and the land of Israel, not everyone became believers. What would have happened if they refused to move out and share the Good News with others living in different parts of the world? The simple answer is that we would be in the same position that some 2 billion people are currently in: without hope. That is the result of worldly Christians.
In contrast, “world-class Christians know they were saved to serve and made for a mission. They are eager to receive a personal assignment and excited about the privilege of being used by God. World-class Christians are the only fully alive people on the planet. Their joy, confidence, and enthusiasm are contagious because they know they’re making a difference. They wake up each morning expecting God to work through them in fresh ways. Which type of Christian do you want to be?” (Purpose Driven Life, p. 298)
Making the transition from a worldly Christian to a world-class Christian is not easy. We need God’s help so it starts with prayer. Second, we have to change our thinking to consider the interests of others (Phil. 2:4). This is exactly what those who shared the hope of Jesus Christ with you did; and we should do the same. Thinking of the needs of others includes thinking globally. “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16). 
Does this mean that we are to ignore those around us to focus exclusively overseas?  NO! The Great Commission commands us to fulfill all areas at the same time (see Acts 1:8). But how is that possible? This takes place through prayer, financially sending others, going ourselves on short-term trips, training and mobilizing others to go, while at the same time seeking to make disciples wherever the Lord has you.
In conclusion, it is my prayer that you would pass on the hope that we have in Christ to a world in need of Jesus. It is a life worth living.
In His service,

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Worldview #8: Science Proves a Young Earth Part #1

The Bible teaches a much younger earth than the 4.5 billion years old that is commonly taught in our public schools, universities and society in general. However, what does the universe tell us about its age? There are several clues pointing to a much younger creation than what evolutionists want us to believe. This month we will consider 3 such clues.
First, there is very little sediment on the seafloor. If sediments have been accumulating for 3 billion years, then the seafloor should be choked with sediments many miles deep. Dr. Andrew Snelling (PhD in geology, University of Sydney) said, “Every year, 20 billion tons of dirt and rock debris wash into the ocean and accumulate on the seafloor. Only 1 billion tons (5%) are removed by tectonic plates. At this rate, the current thickness of seafloor sediment would accumulate in less than 12 million years. Such sediments are easily explained by water draining off the continents towards the end of the Flood recorded in Genesis chapters 6-9 (for more information see (
A second clue that the earth is not as old as many teach is bent rock layers. In many mountainous areas, rock layers thousands of feet thick have been bent and folded without fracturing. However, hardened rock layers are brittle. Therefore, if the earth’s fossil-bearing sedimentary layers were laid down over millions of years, they could not be bent without breaking. The region around Grand Canyon is a great example showing how most of the earth’s fossil-bearing layers were laid down quickly and many were folded while still wet. Some will argue that heat and pressure can make hard rock layers pliable, so this must have been what happened in the Grand Canyon. However, heat and pressure would have transformed these layers into quartzite, marble, and other metamorphic rocks. Yet Tapeats Sandstone is still sandstone, a sedimentary rock! (for more information see
A third clue that the earth is not as old as many teach is soft tissues in fossils. Ask the average layperson how he or she knows that the earth is millions or billions of years old, and that person will probably mention the dinosaurs, which nearly everybody “knows” died off 65 million years ago. However, why do some dinosaur fossils still contain well-preserved soft tissues?  Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered blood vessels in a Tyrannosaurus Rex found in the Hell Creek formation of Montana. This discovery would be impossible if the dinosaurs died off some 68 million years ago, as is commonly taught. On the other hand, historical evidence has confirmed that soft tissues can be found in the remains of beings around 5,000 years old, which is in line with the Biblical creation (for more information see
The bottom line is creation itself supports the teaching of a young earth rather than the billions of years that evolutionists teach and need to support their false worldview. 
In His service,


Man, The Image of God #5: What in the World Am I Here for (Part 5)?—A Battle to Fight

John Eldredge said, “Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue”
(Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul).
The same could basically be said for every woman as well. Deep within every person is the desire to accomplish something with their life; something that will make a difference in the lives of others. The Apostle Paul said it like this: “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me” (Acts 20:24 NCV). The mission that God gave Paul was to share the hope that is found only in the Good News of Jesus Christ. That is your mission as well.
God has placed you where you are at in this world so that through you others might know about Jesus. And some people will never know about Jesus and what He has done for them unless you tell them. Rick Warren said, “Telling others how they can have eternal life is the greatest thing you can do for them. If your neighbor had cancer or AIDS, and you knew the cure, it would be criminal to withhold that lifesaving information. Even worse is to keep secret the way to forgiveness, purpose, peace, and eternal life. We have the greatest news in the world, and sharing it is the greatest kindness you can show to anyone” (Purpose Driven Life, p. 283-284).
While there are 6 different evangelistic styles listed in the Bible, sharing your faith with someone is as simple as telling them what your life was like prior to becoming a Christian, how you came to the conclusion that you wanted to become a Christ-follower, and what God has done in your life since becoming a Christian.  “It is easy to get distracted and sidetracked from your life’s mission of sharing the hope that you have in Christ because Satan would rather have you do anything besides sharing your faith. He will let you do all kinds of good things as long as you don’t take anyone to heaven with you. But the moment you become serious about your mission, expect the devil to throw all kinds of diversions at you” (Purpose Driven Life, p. 286). Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “The righteous (person) is the one who lives for the next generation.” 
If you had a family member who was in a burning building and you knew that it was on fire but they denied it, would you not do everything that you can to get them out including tackling them? You know that they might even be upset with you at first or even hurt from the force which you had to use to get them out. But these things would not matter in the end because you saved their lives.
In fact after they realized just what danger they were in and how you saved them even though they fought you, they would be forever grateful for what you did. Sometimes this may even mean taking classes to be a firefighter, or learning kung-fu to knock them down in order to get them out of the burning building. Even if it took a lot of time and effort to accomplish the goal of getting them out alive, wouldn’t it all be worth it? Of course it would!
That is the exact picture many of us find ourselves in with our family members, if we really love them then we must do whatever it takes to open our family members’ eyes to the truth! And in so doing you will be fulfilling one of your God-given purposes in life, and blessed with the joy of knowing that your life has made an eternal difference just as someone did for you.
In His service,


Elder’s Corner: Condemned to Immortality

I would like to share the following meditation on the resurrection with you.
People condemned God to death; with His Resurrection He condemned them to immortality. For striking Him, God returned embraces; for insults, blessings; for death, immortality. Never did men show more hate towards God than when they crucified Him; and God never showed His love towards people more than when He was resurrected. Mankind wanted to make God dead, but God, with His Resurrection, made people alive, the crucified God resurrected on the third day and thereby killed death! There is no more death. Immortality is surrounding man and his entire world.
With the Resurrection of the God-Man, the nature of man is irreversibly led toward the road of immortality and man's nature becomes destructive to death itself. For until the Resurrection of Christ, death was destructive for man; from the Resurrection of Christ, man's nature becomes destructive in death. If man lives in the faith of the Resurrected God-Man, he lives above death, he is unreachable for her; death is under man's feet. Death where is thy sting? Hell, where is thy victory? And when a man who believes in Christ dies, he only leaves his body as his clothes, in which he will be dressed again on the Day of Last Judgment.
Before the Resurrection of the God-Man, death was the second nature of man; life was first and death was second. Man became accustomed to death as something natural. But after His Resurrection the Lord changed everything: and it was only natural until Christ's Resurrection, that the people became mortal, so after Christ's Resurrection it was natural that the people became immortal.
Through sin, man becomes mortal and temporal; with the Resurrection of the God-Man, he becomes immortal and eternal. In this lies the strength, in this lies the power, in this lies the might of Christ's Resurrection. Without the Resurrection there is no Christianity. Among the miracles, this is the greatest one; all other miracles begin and end with it. From it sprouted the faith and the love and the hope and the prayer and the love toward God.
Originally written by Dr Justin Popovick, available from