
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Worldview #6: Couldn’t God Use Evolution (Part 1-Salvation)?

The title to this article exposes the tension that many Christians face when they first become aware of the vast differences between the Bible and that which is commonly taught in public schools, universities and much of society. It’s like asking, ‘How can a Christian harmonize what the Bible teaches with what is commonly taught outside of the Bible?’
It is at this point that I believe we as Christians need to understand two things properly. First and foremost, we need to ask the question, ‘What does the creation evidence point to?’ As we have seen over the past several months, the evidence supports the Biblical record (see Thus, the evidence excludes other possible views as irrelevant!
Second, it is impossible to harmonize the Bible’s teaching with the world without compromising the uncompromising Word of God. Therefore, the main idea of this article is to warn Christians of the dangers in seeking to harmonize what is commonly taught with what the Bible teaches concerning creation. There are at least two major problems: one is historical (which we will consider in-depth next month) and second is the Scriptural implications on salvation and God’s character. 
The Bible teaches that when God finished creation it was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). At that time, death, disease, corruption and decay did not exist in any part of creation, for all animals and humans were originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30). “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men…” (Rom. 5:12). According to Scripture death, disease, decay, corruption, and even thorns and thistles did not come about until after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:17-19; Rom. 8:18-22). 
This creates a major problem for the Christian who wants to believe that God used evolution over billions of years to create the universe since death would have had to have existed prior to Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden. Evolution teaches that death is necessary and a good thing, while the Bible teaches the opposite. To believe that God uses/desires death to take place points to a god who is not very loving and not good.
On the other hand, God promises to one day destroy death (Rev. 20:14). And, as Scripture teaches, God is merciful, gracious and loving.  It also declares that God has made a way for all to enjoy that promise. “For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:17 NLT).
Therefore my fellow Christians, I admonish you to consider the teaching of Scripture and the evidence. God did not use evolution. That is not Scriptural nor scientific. God does not desire the death of anyone. Yet the enemy, Satan does desire people to hold to false teaching, subtly leading them astray to eternal death. Thus, consider the source of such teaching, and consider Him who has made the way to life!
In His service,


Elder’s Corner: Are you turning “gray”?

 I have one of those “significant” birthdays coming up in a couple of months.  I looked in the mirror the other day and noticed some gray around the sideburns.  But that's not the gray I'm referring to.  The weather finally got cold enough to need heat.  So I built a fire in the furnace.  It turned warm the next day so I didn't need a fire.  Then it got chilly the next day (Missouri weather at its best!)  I opened the furnace door and saw only ashes from two days ago.  I took the poker and stirred them up.  To my amazement there were still coals glowing mixed up in the ashes.  I added kindling, then large logs on top and turned on the firebox blower.  Soon I had a roaring fire and warmth.  Which brings me to the analogy of our lives. 
I wonder if time has allowed our bright impact on the world to dull, to become ashes instead of glowing embers.  It reminded me of Paul's encouragement to Timothy (2 Tim. 1:6) to “kindle afresh” or “fan into flames” the gift of God which is in you.  As the New Year dawns, I encourage you to rekindle the spark that is within you.  Use the gifts and talents God has given you in this New Year to serve others and they will see your flame burning brightly.  And don't worry about the “gray” hair.  I can't see the gray for the “glowing”.   Have a Great Year!  


Man, The Image of God #5: What in the World Am I Here for (Part 2)?—The Family of God

God is the One who made all things, and all things are for His glory. He wanted to have many children share His glory…” (Heb. 2:10a NCV)
Last month we discussed mankind’s primary purpose: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This month we’ll discuss how we can glorify God as a part of the family.
Rick Warren said, “God wants a family, and He created you to be a part of it...The entire Bible is the story of God building a family who will love Him, honor Him, and reign with Him forever”- (Purpose Driven Life, p. 117). “...As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people...I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Cor. 6:16, 18).
God wants to bless us with families. Some of us have awesome families as one writer explained “A family shares things like dreams, hopes, possessions, memories, smiles, frowns, and gladness...A family is a clan held together with the glue of love and the cement of mutual respect. A family is shelter from the storm, a friendly port when the waves of life become too wild. No person is ever alone who is a member of a family” (Rudyard Kipling).
Unfortunately, some of us have not been blessed with the greatest of families. Even the best of families struggle with the temporary nature of this life, heartaches and great pain. For some of us, our families have been plagued with abuse, neglect, divorce, anger, bitterness, and/or other hurts. Some may feel the same about the church. However, if this is your reason for not being involved with the church then your faith was in people and not in God.
God’s family is different than biological families. Apart from choosing a spouse, we have little choice in who our family members are. However, the family of God is all about a choice! God has chosen us to be a part of His family even when we were far from Him (Rom. 5:8).  The invitation to be part of God’s family is universal, but there is one condition: faith in Jesus. “You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26 NLT).
Are you a part of God’s family? As a part of God’s family through faith, God wants to heal your hurts and bless your life with His purpose. Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother” (Matt. 12:50).Doing the will of the Father gives our lives great purpose and meaning. 
The will of the Father includes transforming our minds to His way instead of the way of the world (Rom. 12:2). It is about growing to be more like Jesus (Rom. 8:29). It is God’s will that we have an attitude of gratitude (1 Thess. 5:18).  And to enjoy fellowship with other believers, the family of God (Rom. 15:32).
The Apostle Paul says “...I want you to know how people who are members of God’s family must live. God’s family is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15 GW). This means church is not something you go to. Church is something you belong to. We are the family of God.
A family has multiple members who fulfill various roles: father, mother, son, daughter, etc. Likewise, the family of God has various roles pointing to their purpose (Rom. 12:4-7). Thus, a person who claims to be a Christian yet does not have a church home is like an organ without a body, a sheep without a flock, or a child without a family. Again I ask, are you a part of the family of God? 
Within the family of God (aka the church), we find our purpose of encouraging others, helping people to grow in their walk with the Lord and sharing in the mission that God has called us to. Therefore, as you seek to fulfill your God ordained purpose in life, I encourage you to become a part of God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ and take an active role in the family, the church. 
In His service,