
Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Spiritual Reality #1: The Matrix

We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

Growing up in the modern world, we are taught that the physical world is all that exists. If something cannot be scientifically observed, it is not real. However, is that the case? Consider, for example, what did scientists know for centuries about diseases?
For thousands of years, scientists and doctors did not even realize that diseases existed. This was particularly the case at the Vienna General Hospital. There 18% of the pregnant women who came to the hospital for labor died. This problem was solved once the hospital staff realized the necessity of washing hands between patients. Even still, some refused to believe it since they couldn’t see it. However, the bottom line is this, just because one might struggle to observe something, does not mean it fails to exist.   
The Bible speaks of things which for many of us seem incomprehensible. Talk of angels, demons, and the whole supernatural realm might seem more like a fairy tale to some of us than reality. Which is exactly how many viewed the idea of diseases at the Vienna General Hospital. Therefore, many people still ended up dying as a result of someone refusing to believe even after the evidence was presented to them. 
Over the next several months we are going to examine the existence of angels, demons, Satan, and the spiritual reality in general. It is my prayer that this section opens your eyes to the truth while answering some of the questions which you might have about the spiritual world we live in. Our journey begins with something commonly called “The Matrix.”
The idea of “The Matrix” was popularized by a movie entitled by that name. In it, the main character “Neil” realizes that something is wrong with the world as he knows it, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. Ultimately, Neil believes that there is more to life than what he can see. Eventually, Neil meets a man who knows the truth and offers Neil the possibility of finding out what the real world actually is. However, this creates a dilemma. Neil must choose between going back to life as he knows it, or come to terms with reality. If he chooses to find out the truth his life will never be the same again.
   What would you do if you were in Neil’s shoes? Would you go back to being blinded by the status quo which you have always known, what is familiar to you? Or would you choose to know the truth and turn your world upside down?
Before answering, there is something which you must realize. The choice is not some Hollywood drama but, is the reality of the world which you and I live in. And it is a choice you HAVE to make before you leave this world. You do not have the option to walk away from this decision. You must choose…Red (the existence of a spiritual realm) or blue (blindness, aka life as you know it)… which is it going to be?

Congratulations! You have made your choice. Life as you know it will change as you study along with me the truth of the spiritual reality of our universe. Scripture tells us that Satan has blinded the minds of those who CHOOSE not to believe/follow the truth; thus proving the reality of a real-life matrix.
Scripture encourages us to focus not on what is seen (temporal), but on what is unseen (eternal) (2 Cor. 4:18). So how do we do that? How is it possible for us to see into a realm in which we have never been able to observe?
There are two steps necessary to observe the spiritual realm, the first step is to actively seek the Lord with a sincere heart (Jer. 29:13). We do not understand all of how it works. But we simply ask the Lord to reveal Himself and the spiritual reality to us. When we sincerely do this, God has a way of revealing truth to us—through His Word/the Bible, through nature, other Christians, circumstances, and the Holy Spirit’s leading.
The second step is to open our eyes to the spiritual reality starts by placing our faith in Jesus. When we do this He enables us to see (John 9:25-41). Prior to this, Scripture plainly teaches that it is impossible for us to see the spiritual realm clearly (1 Cor. 2:14), since Satan has blinded our minds without us even knowing it (2 Cor. 4:4). For those of us who are already following Jesus yet struggle to see the spiritual reality, we simply must pray, Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief (Mark 9:24).
Therefore, I want to encourage you to join me as we examine with an open mind the truth of the Matrix.
Because of God’s love,


Elder's Corner: Self Justification

Have you ever thought you had to justify your actions?  Most of us do at some point.  Maybe it is the new gun you want or perhaps a new pair of shoes.  Possibly a horse or a special show chicken, tractor, sawmill, another drink, another woman, drugs, anything that does not belong to you or anything you should not have.  
I was reflecting this week on a man's suggestion to me.  Several years ago I was trying to justify spending several thousand dollars on a new lawn mower.  He gave me a simple piece of advice.  Write it down on a paper, place it in your wallet wrapped around your money or credit card, and glance at it every time you pay for something.  After one month, reconsider the obligation of paying for it.  I think that advice is true for most things.  The list I opened went from kinda funny to kinda ugly.  Make sure that when you justify that new toy that you consider the true cost.  If you try to justify a sin, remember the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). There is no justifying sin. 


The Blessed Life #7: Second Chances

One individual said, “If you are lucky enough to get a second chance, don’t waste it.” The year will be starting anew this month for many individuals as they go back to school. For students this means that they can have a fresh start for overcoming bad grades or labels which they might have received from others, last school year. It is time for a fresh start, a second chance to make things right. Likewise, today can be a chance for all of us to have a second chance or a fresh start.
If all of us were honest, there have been points in life in which we wished that we could have a second chance. We wish that if we could go through what we did before; then, we would have never made the same mistake that we did. Maybe we think, “If only I had a second chance, I would not have said what I did.” Or “if only I had a second chance, I would have spent more time with my wife and kids, than working all those hours.”  Or “if only I could have told that certain someone that I loved them before they died.”
If you could do something over, what would it be? What are the second chances you are currently blessed with that you are taking for granted? You don’t have to experience a near death situation.
This reminds me of a person whom I know who is lucky to be alive. This individual suffered terribly in an automobile accident. He had broken bones and scars virtually from head to toe. He now has several rods and pins in his body, you might call him a heavy metal guy :). Truthfully, he should be dead today, yet God has given him a second chance at life.
Oh, I’m sure that there have been plenty of moments in which he wished that he had not survived the accident, yet why did he? Ultimately, that is a question which only God can answer. But the Bible does give us some clear clues of why—God gives second chances at life for two reasons.
First, God gives second chances so that we might get right with Him. In fact, this is the reason in which God allows a lot of things to happen in our lives—He wants us to wake up in order that we might take advantage of the opportunity which is before us—for none of us knows how much time we have left on this earth.
Scripture teaches that every person must come to repentance and into a saving relationship with His Son Jesus Christ in order to go to heaven when we die (2 Peter 3:9). God wants us to enjoy the Paradise which He has prepared for all who accept His offer. However, God’s second chances end when we die, “Each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment” (Heb. 9:27).  Therefore, if you have been given a second chance at life don’t waste it!
A second reason why God gives us second chances is to fulfill His purpose for our lives. God has a wonderful plan for our lives which can enable us to live with no regrets. God’s desires for us are greater than we could imagine. He has a plan for our lives to leave a lasting legacy. Therefore, I want to encourage you to consider the second chances which are before you, and don’t waste them, for this might be your last chance!
In His service,
