During World War II
there was a Battalion called “Easy Company,” known later as “The Band of
Brothers.” These men stepped up to help one another when tragedy struck their
company. If these men had tried to go it alone, or do their own thing, every
one of them would have lost their lives! These men needed to rely upon one
another, helping each other by utilizing their own strengths yet orchestrated
together; and when one was hurting or under fire, the rest of the company
helped to carry that man’s load.
This would not be an
easy task as they faced trial after trial after trial. Yet by each person
giving their best while working as a team the work got done. And in the end,
this Band of Brothers was triumphant as they stood united together.
Throughout life each
one of us will encounter trials from time to time (although sometimes when it
seems like the opposition continues to pound us in waves without giving us a
chance to even catch our breath). When people try to go it on their own,
sometimes they can be successful for a period of time. However, eventually,
they will find themselves out numbered, encountering giants which are far
superior to their abilities.
The Christian is not
exempt from circumstances like these. In fact, often times the Christian will
encounter more battles and of greater intensity than non-believers. However,
that is where one of the most significant blessings of being a Christian surfaces!
We are a part of a “Band of Brothers.”
As a “Band of Brothers”
(and sisters), we are privileged to have others who can come alongside us when
we are down. Our fellow Christians can help carry our burdens just as Scripture
admonishes us (Gal. 6:2). Our fellow believers can encourage us and build us up
when we are down (1 Thess. 5:11). Our fellow believers can offer us the comfort
which our weary souls require (1 Thess. 4:18).
Often times what we
need more than anything else is just someone to be our friend (1 John 1:7). Our
fellow believers can help us overcome mistakes we have made (James 5:16).
Meanwhile, our fellow believers can offer the acceptance and love we need (John
Our fellow believers
can tell us the truth so that we are not deceived by Satan (Eph. 4:25), the
father of all lies (John 8:44). By knowing the truth we are able to be set free
from the schemes of the evil one (John 8:32). Our fellow believers can offer us
the wisdom which we need to make difficult decisions (Rom. 15:14). And they can
help us to attain our God given purpose in life (Heb. 10:24).
We are not meant to
live life all by ourselves. And thankfully, God has called all people to be a
part of the “Band of Brothers” known as the church. Yes, none of us within the
church are perfect. Yet within the church we are able to help one another and
most importantly they can help us to begin a personal relationship with the One
who is perfect, Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I want to
encourage you to come not only be a part of the church, but also, to join the
True Band of Brothers, the individuals who are committed to partaking of
blessings of being a sold-out believer in Jesus Christ.
In His service,